3D Printing Applications Coursera Quiz Answers

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Week 01: 3D Printing Applications Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz: Module 1 Graded Quiz

Q1. The two main ways 3D printing can be used in industry are rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing.

  • True
  • False

Q2. What does the phrase “complexity is free” mean?

  • New possibilities emerge from the ability to print something free.
  • You can make complex parts with 3d printing
  • The marginal cost of adding complex features to an object is zero.
  • Complex objects are free to print for students enrolled in universities.

Q3. 3D printing disrupts manufacturing. Out of the reasons discussed, which option below is false?

  • Cost and quality issues in 3d printing lead to adoption barriers.
  • Printing is useful to print obsolete parts.
  • Expectations of volume rise in production.
  • Implementation is too expensive.

Q4. According to the Wohler’s Associates 2016 report, how many 3D printers were sold in 2015?

  • About 100,000
  • About 278,000
  • About 120,000
  • About 80,000

Q5. Which of the following is(are) true about 3D printers? Select all that apply.

  • 3D printing allows for more complexity than traditional methods.
  • 3D printers can print objects larger than themselves.
  • 3D printers get directions from software that interprets design files.;

Q6. What is one problem associated with using 3D printing for manufacturing?

  • There are no economies of scale
  • You cannot produce intricate geometries.
  • There is a lot of waste

Q7. It is possible to use a 3D printer to create structural airplane parts.

  • True
  • False

Q8. In what way(s) will the job market be affected through 3D printing?

  • Jobs will be lost.
  • There will be a shift from selling products to selling designs.
  • New startups will be created.

Q9. An important factor for success in bioprinting is to create an environment that mimics the human body.

  • True
  • False

Q10. What application of 3D printing that we’ve discussed so far do you find the most interesting?

  • Bioprinting
  • Zero gravity printing
  • Printing completely functional objects
  • Digital materials printing
  • 3D printing food

Week 02: 3D Printing Applications Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz : Module 2 Graded Quiz

Q1. Shapeways is a global fulfillment company. Is it possible to run a business with them?

  • Yes
  • No

Q2. 3D Hubs is a network of 3D printers operated by individuals.

  • True
  • False

Q3. How is the Maker Revolution different from the Industrial Revolution?

  • The Industrial Revolution gave us access to the means and tools needed to create.
  • The Maker Revolution gives us access to the means and tools needed to create.
  • The Maker Revolution sanctions the means and tools necessary to create.;
  • They are the same.

Q4. What is the mission of the Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab?

  • Allow community access to tools and resources
  • Promote creativity
  • Foster education, boost research, inspire entrepreneurship, promote art
  • None of the above

Q5. TechShop offers training and classes so that makers can start creating right away.

  • True
  • False

Q6. According to Jeff Ginger, there are approximately how many functional Fab Labs in the world?

  • 50-100
  • 100-200
  • 200-250
  • 300-350;

Q7. You do not need to use supports when using an SLS printer.

  • True
  • False

Q8. What is the distinction that John Hornick made between intellectual property (IP) and IP rights?

  • IP rights are the fruits of someone’s imagination while IP is legal documentation – copyrights and patents – behind the idea.
  • People in the maker movement do not care about IP.
  • People in the maker movement are quite knowledgeable about IP rights.
  • IP is the fruit of someone’s imagination while IP rights are the legal documents –copyrights and patents – behind the idea.

Q9. The concept of printing “away from control” suggests that firms cannot enforce IP in such cases.

  • True
  • False

Q10. There is a difference in patent law when it comes to repair versus reconstruction.

  • True
  • False;

Week 03: 3D Printing Applications Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz : Module 3 Graded Quiz

Q1. The Marketplace Literacy Project uses a bottom-up approach, geared towards understanding how people live, what their life circumstances are, and how they engage as consumers.

  • True
  • False

Q2. According to Professor Madhu Viswanathan, what are the keys to marketplace literacy?

  • Skills, entrepreneurship, self-confidence
  • Entrepreneurship, self-confidence, awareness of rights
  • Skills, self-confidence, agency
  • Skills, self-confidence, awareness of rights

Q3. There is a unique need for 3D printing in low-income, low-literacy populations.

  • True
  • False

Q4. Learning does not benefit from physical manipulation.

  • True
  • False;

Q5. What does Protoprint do?

  • Improves the lives of waste pickers in India
  • Takes recycled plastics and turns them into printer filament
  • Employs grassroots employees
  • Works with governmental organizations to clean up landfills

Q6. The Enable Project does not have a central facility where prosthetics are created. They are mostly created and distributed by the virtual community of volunteers .

  • True
  • False

Q7. Anyone can join the Enable Project and start designing and printing prosthetics right away.

  • True
  • False

Q8. What is the major difference between the Enable Project and the Exiii Project?

  • The Enable hands are motorized; Exiii hands are not.
  • The Enable hands are open sourced; Exiii hands are not.
  • The Exiii hands are motorized; Enable hands are not.
  • The Exiii hands are open sourced; Enable hands are not.

Q9. What is the goal for Makergirls?

  • Provide a space for young girls to explore their creativity
  • Expose young girls to 3D printing
  • Introduce young girls to 3D modeling
  • Introduce young girls to STEM fields, through 3D printing

Q10. Would you be interested in working with the Enable Project or the Exiii Project?

  • Enable
  • Exiii
  • Both
  • Neither;

Week 04: 3D Printing Applications Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz : Module 4 Graded Quiz

Q1. Shared learning is an important part of ideating.

  • True
  • False

Q2. The CityX Project cannot be adapted to provide a platform for cross-curricular learning.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Thomas Edison’s approach with the lightbulb was an early example of design thinking.

  • True
  • False

Q4. According to the Harvard Business Review article “Design Thinking,” what is integrative thinking?

  • The ability to see the world from multiple angles
  • Assuming a potential solution is better than current alternatives
  • The ability to work with other people
  • The ability to view problems from multiple angles and create novel solutions that dramatically improve current alternatives

Q5. According to Professor David Weightman, Three important things to keep in mind when designing a product or service include desirability, viability, and feasibility.

  • True
  • False;

Q6. According to Professor David Weightman, what is the first stage in the design thinking process?

  • Ideate
  • Create
  • Empathize
  • Evaluate

Q7. The CityX project requires children to create low fidelity prototypes before trying 3d Modeling and printing.

  • True
  • False

Q8. What has been the impact of rapid prototyping using 3D printing

  1. on the design process ,
  2. the kinds of things you can make
  3. and the way you make them.;



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