Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition Quiz Answers

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Week 1: Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Checkpoint 1

Q1. According to the videos, what are the three elements that teachers can think about when reviewing different teacher philosophies?

  • Purpose
  • Constraints
  • Technique
  • Content

Q2. When we ask “Who should we teach?” we think most directly about

  • learners’ reasons and goals.
  • the materials and activities a teacher uses in a class.
  • students’ learning styles.
  • teachers’
    own reasons for teaching a language.

Q3. According to the lecture, content shapes purpose and technique.

  • False
  • True

Q4. Which statements are reasons for teachers to examine their own teaching philosophies?

  • to understand their own purposes.
  • to inform other teachers about various ideas.
  • to think about useful strategies and methodologies.

Q5. The caricatures Dr. Dixon will show in the upcoming videos are a complete representation of each approach.

  • True
  • False

Quiz 2: Checkpoint 2

Q1. The example, “Dogs make good pets,” was used

  • to illustrate that animals, such as dogs, cannot effectively learn languages.
  • to show how much we love dogs.
  • to demonstrate both the strengths and weaknesses of an argument.

Q2. What is the importance of the “believing and doubting” game?

  • To demonstrate Peter Elbow’s language approach theory.
  • To show that the devil causes doubt.
  • It helps viewers critically analyze each historical figure and language approach.

Q3. According to the videos, new approaches were usually created as a result of

  • theorists wanting to build and expand on the ideas of the previous generation.
  • doubts formed about language approaches from the last generation.
  • new, extremist ideas.

Q4. The term “pendular swing” refers to

  • language approaches’ move from one extreme to another throughout history .
  • the artistic differences between abstract Expressionism and the Photorealism movement.
  • the continuum of time, which remains constant throughout the ages, as all else changes.

Q5. Teach English Now! encourages participants to make immediate decisions about the effectiveness of the language approaches as they’re presented.

  • True
  • False

Quiz 3: Module 1 Review Quiz

Q1. According to the lectures, why is it important to have an in depth understanding of the
history of ESL/EFL?

  • to have a deeper insight into your own teaching theory and practices
  • to learn history for the sake of learning
  • to help participants realize that they must align their teaching methods and practices with only one approach.

Q2. According to the lectures, what are the elements you are invited to examine in each teaching approach?

  • purpose, content, technique
  • Who, what, why, how
  • diagrams, maps, audio recordings

Q3. “Why should we teach languages?” is asked in order to

  • purpose
  • technique
  • content

Q4. According to the lectures, why is the content of each teaching approach important to

  • to greater understand the number of different reasons why students study language.
  • to consider the materials used for teaching each approach.
  • to focus on the aims of the learners.

Q5. Which is not a question that would allow for a discussion of teacher technique?

  • Who should we teach?
  • How should a teacher teach?
  • How does a learner learn a language?

Q6. Why was the idea that “purpose shapes both content and
technique” emphasized?

  • because it’s unreasonable to think any other way
  • because content and technique are changed and adapted for each purpose.
  • because it’s important to understand how we can help students remember a language.

Q7. Which answer is NOT a primary reason for the the use of caricatures in the upcoming videos?

  • to provide a clear contrast of the approaches through exaggeration
  • to entertain the viewers
  • to save time and avoid lengthy explanations

Q8. Peter Elbow is associated with the idea of

  • the believing and doubting game
  • “dogs make good pets”
  • the angel and devil debate

Q9. The artistic examples of abstract expressionism and the photorealism movement were used to

  • the similarities and differences between the two movements.
  • how the pendulum swings back and forth, creating extreme opposites of the former movement.
  • that even ESL/EFL teachers can appreciate art.

Q10. When was the pendular swing most prominent in the field oflanguage teaching?

  • 1860-1960
  • 1880-1980
  • 1818-1918

Week 2: Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Checkpoint 1

Q1. Why was the grammar translation approach taught? Check all that apply.

  • to teach values and morals.
  • to better prepare travelers for interacting with people in a foreign country.
  • to teach correct grammar and language rules.

Q2. Who was the typical student in the Grammar Translation approach?

  • Wealthy young men
  • Middle class men and women
  • Poor young men

Q3. Which languages did the Grammar Translation Approach focus on? Select all that apply.

  • Spanish
  • Latin
  • Greek

Q4. What is “back translation?”

  • Translating a text from its original form into a 2nd language.
  • Translating a text into one’s own language, and then translating it back into its original language.
  • Translating a text systematically from the back of the book to the front.

Q5. Which are techniques taken from the Grammar Translation Approach that might still be used today? Choose all that apply.

  • Reading comprehension questions
  • Enactments (plays and dramatizations)
  • Use of cognates
  • Fill-in-the-blank activities

Quiz 2: Checkpoint 2

Q1. Which of these strategies does the Direct Approach advocate?

  • Understand a language enough to pass a test
  • Total language immersion
  • Memorization of texts

Q2. The Direct Approach should utilize two languages: The learner’s first language and the target language the learner is studying.

  • True
  • False

Q3. What was one of the Devil’s arguments against the Direct

  • Memorizing languages doesn’t help students practically use the target language in everyday life.
  • Most people won’t actually go visit other countries and spend years learning the local language.
  • Languages connect and bring people together, but there weren’t enough people speaking the 2nd language to bring into class.

Q4. Which techniques were used in the Direct Approach? Choose all that apply.

  • Drawing Pictures
  • Minimal Pairs
  • Student Self-Correction

Q5. What is “negative transfer?”

  • Incorrectly transferring a linguistic item from one language to another.
  • Assuming that language works the same way in both the first and second language.
  • The idea that an adult learner doesn’t learn language the same way a child does.;

Quiz 3: Module 2 Review Quiz

Q1. Which year did the lectures associate with the Direct Approach?

  • 1930
  • 1910
  • 1880
  • 1940

Q2. Which books/materials might have been used by language teachers during the Grammar
Translation Method? Check all that

  • The Writings of Cicero
  • The Koran
  • The New Testament
  • The Writings of Homer (Odyssey, Illiad)
  • The Writings of Aristotle

Q3. Which was NOT an acceptable method of helping students remember the target language using the Grammar Translation Approach?

  • Acting out the texts that are being studied
  • Repeatedly reading the same texts
  • Writing essays reflecting what they learned from each text

Q4. A word in a target language that is similar to the native language is called a(n)

  • synonym
  • cognate
  • antonym
  • homonym;

Q5. The Direct Approach was specifically designed for wealthy,
young men.

  • True
  • False

Q6. Why did the teacher from the Direct Approach describe his time with the Oohooto tribe?

  • To show how he totally immersed himself in the Oohooto language and culture.
  • To indicate how fascinated the Oohooto people are with flowers, trees, roots and seeds.
  • To demonstrate how easy Spanish can be to learn.
  • To illustrate how the Oohooto people lived.

Q7. In the Direct Approach, listening and speaking skills are de-emphasized.

  • False
  • True

Q8. Which approach focuses on expressly using the target language in classes.

  • The Grammar Translation Approach
  • The Direct Approach

Q9. The Direct Approach asserts that people learn a second language just as children learn their first language by exploring the world around them. Check the arguments that support this claim.

  • Learners, like children, develop skills through predictable sequences.
  • Language learners, like children, can draw on their knowledge of language to quickly acquire the target language.
  • Using visual aids and objects in the language classroom enables learners, and children, to acquire language more effectively.

Q10. Which techniques could be used in a Direct Approach classroom? Check all that apply.

  • Encouragement of Student Self-Correction
  • Use of Maps
  • Back Translation
  • Use of Synonyms
  • Use of Drawing Pictures based on Dictation
  • Enactment of plays and skits;

Week 3: Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Checkpoint 1

Q1. As a reaction to the Direct Approach, the Reading Approach was developed for which reasons? Choose all that are correct.

  • Many people didn’t have the opportunities to travel at that time, so language as in depth as the Direct Approach wasn’t needed.
  • Standardized testing became more wide-spread in public schools.
  • Not enough teachers spoke target languages well enough to make the Direct Approach effective.
  • Teachers were tired of teaching languages, so this simplistic approach lightened teachers’ work load.

Q2. Which two aspects of language did the Reading Approach mainly focus on?

  • Speaking
  • Grammar;
  • Listening
  • Vocabulary

Q3. Which technique was NOT discussed as a common activity of practitioners in the Reading Approach?

  • Guided Reading
  • Extensive Reading
  • Skimming
  • Speed reading

Q4. In the video of the Reading Approach teacher, you saw a teacher that was convinced his approach would help students effectively learn French.

  • True
  • False

Q5. Which techniques were commonly utilized in the Reading Approach?

  • Memorization
  • Back Translation
  • Extensive Reading;

Quiz 2: Checkpoint 2

Q1. According to the video, what was a major purpose behind teaching language using the Audio-Lingual Approach?

  • to motivate soldiers to act more peacefully while abroad.
  • to teach soldiers to communicate with allies and enemies
  • to teach soldiers about the cultures of the countries they’d be sent to.

Q2. Whose behaviorist theories predominantly impacted the Audio-Lingual Approach?

  • Peter Elbow
  • B. F. Skinner
  • Noam Chomsky
  • Pavlov

Q3. What are some of the basic tenets of the Audio-Lingual Approach? Check all that apply.

  • habit formation
  • overlearning
  • behavioral psychology
  • deductive grammar instruction

Q4. Which methods were used for instruction of the Audio Lingual Approach? Check all that apply.

  • Composition Writing
  • Dialogues
  • Minimal Pairs
  • Language Labs

Q5. The Audio-Lingual Approach is most effective for students who have a lot of time to study and focus on the target language.

  • False.
  • True

Quiz 3: Module 3 Review Quiz

Q1. Which is an example of a chain drill?

  • Student 1: I like tennis.

Student 2: She likes tennis. I like football.

Student 3: She likes tennis. He likes football. I like baseball.

  • Teacher: Pie.

Students: Pie.

Teacher: Pie. Tie.

Students: Pie. Tie.

  • Teacher: The sky is blue.

Students (repeating after the teacher): The sky is blue!;

Q2. Which approach utilizes chain drills, as demonstrated above?

  • The Grammar Translation Approach
  • The Direct Approach
  • The Reading Approach
  • The Audio-lingual Approach

Q3. Which approach became popular as a result of standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, or the SAT?

  • The Reading Approach
  • The Audio Lingual Approach
  • The Direct Approach
  • The Grammar Translation Approach

Q4. Which approaches focused mainly on language production, specifically listening and speaking skills?

  • The Direct Approach
  • The Grammar Translation Approach
  • The Reading Approach
  • The Audio Lingual Approach

Q5. As a result of pedagogical developments, teachers now continue to utilize vocabulary list memorization, but to a lesser extent than that of the Reading Approach in the 1930’s.

  • False
  • True

Q6. Which approach combined memorization and automatic responses?

  • The Reading Approach
  • The Audio-lingual Approach
  • The Grammar Translation Approach
  • The Direct Approach;

Q7. What was the main purpose of using minimal pairs in the Audio Lingual Approach?

  • To reward correct answer.
  • To improve conversation skills.
  • To improve grammar.
  • To improve pronunciation.

Q8. The use of textbooks in the classroom was vital for the success of students acquiring language using the Audio Lingual Approach.

  • False.
  • True.

Q9. Which activity uses scaffolding to help students better understand and comprehend readings?

  • Guided Reading
  • Extensive Reading
  • Scanning
  • Skimming

Q10. Which approaches are more suited to students who probably won’t need to use or speak the target language outside the classroom?

  • The Direct Approach
  • The Reading Approach
  • The Grammar Translation Approach
  • The Audio Lingual Approach

Q5. The Audio-Lingual Approach is most effective for students who have a lot of time to study and focus on the target language.

  • False.
  • True

Week 4: Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Checkpoint 1

Q1. The Cognitive Approach was widely used in language education throughout the United States.

  • True
  • False

Q2. The Cognitive Approach offered teachers techniques related to which ideas? Check all that apply.

  • use of language labs.
  • pre-reading activities
  • feedback on errors
  • minimal pairs
  • strategies for language learning

Q3. Which activities might learners engage in if they performed a “rehearsal?”;

  • memorizing dialogues, word for word
  • pre-learning key vocabulary
  • chunking ideas together by writing down vocabulary words.
  • practicing alone
  • repeatedly practicing language
  • speak quickly, even when grammar or vocabulary are difficult.

Q4. Analyzing students’ errors gives teachers

  • the knowledge that students don’t care.
  • an opportunity to punish students.
  • ideas for which specific grammatical rules should be explicitly taught.
  • a clearer understanding on students mental processes.

Q5. Why do cognitive scientists recommend pre-reading and pre-listening activities? Choose all that apply.

  • To prompt students to think about language that will probably be used in the main reading/listening activity.
  • To stimulate the same part of the brain required for the main reading/listening activity.
  • To engage students in grammar activities.;

Quiz 2: Checkpoint 2

Q1. The Affective Humanistic Approach mostly focused on

  • How the brain processes language and how language structures and knowledge are acquired and remembered.
  • Quickly teaching language to soldiers to communicate with allies and enemies.
  • Teaching culture and morality.
  • The value of human beings in society and culture.

Q2. why would students select names from the culture of the
target language?

  • To more deeply connect to the culture and people of the target language.
  • Because their real names were too difficult for their teachers to pronounce.
  • To show students how to improve their grammar.
  • To help the teacher better understand students’ thought patterns.

Q3. The concept of helping students conquer their fear of learning a language through an environment that would unlock the potential of the conscious and subconscious mind is called

  • Desuggestopedia
  • Metacognition
  • Inductive grammar
  • Deemphasizing of speech

Q4. What were some popular techniques used by Affective
Humanistic teachers? Select all that

  • Writing essays
  • Overlearning
  • Multiple Concerts
  • Deductive grammar instruction
  • Dramatization
  • Positive Reinforcement

Q5. What are some items that might be found in a classroom of a
teacher subscribing to the Affective Humanistic Approach? Check all that apply.

  • A CD/tape/record player
  • Grammar charts
  • Classic Greek Epic Poems
  • Food and Drinks
  • A piano;

Quiz 3: Module 4 Review Quiz

Q1. Which of the following can be considered components of the multiple
concert technique? Select all that

  • Listening to various musical works at the same time.
  • Repeating exactly what the teacher says.
  • Going to see three or more musical bands play at an outdoor performance.
  • Listening to a dramatic reading while following along with a script.
  • Completing an outline of notes.
  • Taking notes of a dialogue.

Q2. Which of the following is not actually a classroom approach?

  • The Affective Humanistic Approach
  • The Reading Approach
  • The Cognitive Approach
  • The Audio Lingual Approach

Q3. The Affective Humanistic approach focused on students’

  • True
  • False

Q4. According to the lectures, why is positive reinforcement an effective classroom technique?

  • It encourages learners to take risks and feel comfortable making mistakes.
  • It allows students to be silly and take on the role of other characters.
  • It helps students receive and comprehend information better.

Q5. Which approach would most likely be taught by someone interested in expanding the mind and helping people calm their anxieties?

  • The Audio Lingual Approach
  • The Reading Approach
  • The Affective Humanistic Approach
  • The Cognitive Approach;

Q6. Which approach was strongly influenced by behaviorism?

  • The Audio Lingual Approach
  • The Reading Approach
  • The Affective Humanistic Approach
  • The Cognitive Approach

Q7. Which are characteristics of the Cognitive Approach? Choose all that apply.

  • It never truly developed into a classroom methodology.
  • It looked for ways to remove mental barriers, such as anxiety, from language learning.
  • Student errors became of particular interest to researchers.
  • Teachers had a rigorous number of tools and resources to teach this particular approach.

Q8. Which activities might have helped students of an Affective Humanistic teacher to learn language more quickly?

  • Dancing
  • Translating a passage from a textbook
  • Overlearning
  • Memorizing vocabulary
  • Singing

Q9. Which approach is Noam Chomsky most closely associated with?

  • The Audio Lingual Approach
  • The Cognitive Approach
  • The Affective Humanistic Approach
  • The Reading Approach

Q10. What were the main focuses of the Affective Humanistic Approach? Select all that apply.

  • Making learners comfortable
  • Translating classic Latin and Greek texts
  • Overlearning a language
  • Providing a soothing environment;

Week 5: Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Checkpoint 1

Q1. Which of the following are aspects of the “silent period” concept? Select all that apply.

  • learners don’t know enough of the language to begin speaking, so they remain silent.
  • learners might not be confident enough to speak the target language, so they remain silent.
  • learners resent the fact that they have to learn the target language, so they refuse to speak.
  • teachers ask learners not to speak unless spoken to.

Q2. Which ideas are true regarding Krashen’s ideas about the “affective filter?”

  • students with less stress and anxiety are more successful at language learning because they can focus more clearly on their studies.
  • students with low affective filters struggle to learn languages because they are more focused on their inadequacies and limitations than the language itself.;
  • learners’ emotional states affect their ability to learn and retain language.

Q3. Which of the following techniques are used in the Comprehension Approach? Select all that apply.

  • Use of pendulums to show shifts of language.
  • Use of simple questions and dialogue
  • Use of visual aids to convey meaning.
  • Exclusive use of the target language in the classroom
  • Role reversal activities

Q4. The main focuses of the Comprehension Approach are actual input and lowering the affective filter.

  • False
  • True

Q5. Teachers subscribing to the Comprehension Approach might use which materials or techniques in the classroom? Select all that apply.

  • observable action verbs
  • computers for essay writing
  • vocabulary lists
  • realia;

Quiz 2: Checkpoint 2

Q1. Why did the Communicative Approach come about? Select all that apply.

  • People were traveling more, for both work and pleasure, which heightened the need to communicate in foreign language.
  • People realized the importance of ancient Greek and Latin philosophies, so they began focusing more on these age old texts.
  • People began to realize that more than just grammar and vocabulary knowledge was necessary to effectively communicate in another language.
  • People began to realize that students learned a second language much in the same way that a child learns its first language.
  • People didn’t have time to sit and process language until they were ready to speak it. They needed a faster way to study language.

Q2. According to the lectures, one of the biggest problems with the Communicative Approach is that its techniques and practices are too clearly defined.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Which are some of the techniques used in the Communicative Approach? Select all that apply.

  • Role Reversal
  • Information Gaps
  • Back Translation
  • Role Plays
  • Language Games

Q4. Which activity helps students understand how ideas flow together?

  • Use of authentic materials
  • Information gap activities
  • Sequencing

Q5. The focus of role plays, especially improvised, is the prevention of errors.

  • False
  • True;

Quiz 3: Module 5 Review Quiz

Q1. Which linguistic theorists are most closely associated with the Comprehension Approach?

  • Noam Chomsky
  • B.F. Skinner
  • Stephen Krashen
  • James J. Asher

Q2. Which approach utilizes the technique of using commands combined with observable physical actions for students to observe and follow?

  • Cognitive Approach
  • Communicative Approach
  • Comprehension Approach
  • Affective Humanistic Approach

Q3. Which aspects of the Comprehension Approach are similar to the Direct Approach?

  • Lowering the affective filter.
  • Focus on grammatical forms.
  • Focus on making meaning clear.
  • Learners have time to process language before producing the language.

Q4. A Korean langauge teacher brings in a map for the Seoul subway system and asks students to create conversations in Korean about transportation using the information provided in the map. This is an example of

  • Use of authentic materials
  • Information gap
  • Sequencing activities
  • Language games

Q5. What is the main purpose of TPR (Total Physical Response) activities?

  • to make students use the target language in their own conversations.
  • to give students a greater appreciation of the target language’s culture.
  • To quickly summarize information gleaned from classroom activities.
  • to make meaning clear to students;

Q6. Which approach encourages learners to develop an appreciation for the target people, culture and place by connecting with them through language and use of meaningful communication?

  • Communicative Approach
  • Reading Approach
  • Comprehension Approach
  • Cognitive Approach

Q7. Which of these are teaching methods used in the Communicative Approach? Check all that apply.

  • Use of books focusing on all four language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking
  • Use of books focusing on one specific language aspect: reading, writing, listening and speaking
  • Use of food, music, posters and costumes
  • Use of level-appropriate books with high interest themes.

Q8. Which approach would most likely advocate for “English Only” classrooms?

  • Cognitive Approach
  • Comprehension Approach
  • Grammar Translation Approach

Q9. Which of these are a focus of the Communicative Approach? Select all that apply.

  • to love other cultures and places.
  • to help make input comprehensible to students.
  • to use the target language.
  • to connect people together in order to create opportunity and awareness.

Q10. When students assume the role of the teacher by giving commands to other students and the teacher, this is called

  • Role reversal
  • Information gap
  • Total Physical Response
  • Role playing;



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