Grammar and Punctuation Coursera Quiz Answers

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Week 02: Grammar and Punctuation Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Verb Tenses Practice Quiz

Q1. Choose the correct verb to fill in the blank below.

She bought a house and then __ that it needed a lot of repairs.

  • discover
  • discovering
  • was discovering
  • discovered

Q2. Choose the correct verb to fill in the blank below.

My mom likes to watch TV. She _ asleep in her chair watching TV every night.

  • is falling
  • fell
  • falls
  • fall

Q3. Choose the correct verb to fill in the blank below.

She didn’t come to our party. She said she __ an invitation.

  • isn’t receive
  • not receiving
  • hasn’t received
  • hadn’t received

Q4. Choose the correct verb to fill in the blank below.

Walter has seen that movie five times. He says it just makes him feel good, so I was not surprised to see that he _ the movie again last night.;

  • have watched
  • is watching
  • was watching
  • watch;

Quiz 2: Conjunctions Practice Quiz

Q1. Which sentence is a compound sentence?

  • Lions are kings of the jungle, so everyone respects them.
  • Monkeys are funny but lovable animals in the jungle.

Q2. Does this sentence need a comma?

The mailman came to our house but he didn’t bring any mail for me.

  • yes
  • no

Q3. Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.

  • Mom asked my brother and me to help her cook dinner, but we weren’t much help.
  • My sister is going on vacation so she bought a new suitcase.
  • This movie is really good but Joe didn’t like it.
  • Mary lost her purse at the beach, and spent all afternoon looking for it.;

Quiz 3: Verb Tenses and Conjunctions

Q1. Which underlined word has a mistake?

We enjoy riding motorcycles. Modern motorcycles are lighter and faster than they was 30 years ago.

  • years
  • was
  • enjoy
  • motorcycles

Q2. Which underlined word has a mistake?

My mother was mad at me because I had told her I would be home at 6:00, but I come home at 9:00.

  • had told
  • come
  • was
  • would

Q3. Which underlined word has a mistake?

Next year, my family buy a house in Canada. We are going to visit it every summer.

  • buy
  • in Canada
  • are going
  • We

Q4. Which underlined word has a mistake?

We watched a good movie last night and told our friends about it. Now, they want to see it too. All of us are going to see it again tonight after we are eating dinner.

  • watched
  • are eating
  • told
  • are going to see;

Q5. Which underlined word has a mistake?

Mary loves to shop, so she left work early today and asked her friend to meet her at the mall. The two of them spending eight hours buying dresses and shoes.

  • asked
  • loves
  • left;
  • spending

Q6. Which underlined word has a mistake?

The dentist told me that my teeth were healthy, but he want me to go back for a check up soon. I will make another appointment next week when I am free.

  • will make
  • am free
  • told
  • want

Q7. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

  • The children, sang and danced.
  • The children sang and danced.
  • The children sang, and danced.

Q8. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

  • Tariq and Jordan joined the soccer game, and helped the team win.
  • Tariq and Jordan joined the soccer game and helped the team win.
  • Tariq and Jordan, joined the soccer game and helped the team win.

Q9. Which sentence uses commas correctly?

  • Jane watched a movie, but Steve read a book.
  • Jane watched a movie, but Steve, read a book.;
  • Jane watched a movie but Steve, read a book.

Q10. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

  • The test was difficult however we knew all of the answers.
  • The test was difficult, but we knew all of the answers.
  • The test was difficult but we knew all of the answers.

Q11. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

  • Michael and Sam gave Paul and me some tips on how to throw a basketball, but they didn’t help with our form.
  • Michael and Sam gave Paul and me some tips on how to throw a basketball, but didn’t help with our form.
  • Michael and Sam, gave Paul and me some tips on how to throw a basketball but didn’t help with our form.;

Week 3: Grammar and Punctuation Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Compound Sentence Practice Quiz

Q1. Which sentence is NOT punctuated correctly.

  • John and James are brothers; they go to the same school.
  • The teacher said that we needed to study chapter four but not chapter five.
  • My car got a flat tire on the freeway I was late to work.
  • We will go to a restaurant for dinner tonight, or we will cook something at home.

Q2. What kind of sentence is this?

The captain of the airplane told us to buckle our seat-belts, so we did.

  • simple
  • compound

Q3. What kind of sentence is this?

The scientists are concerned about the rising temperatures on the planet but don’t know what to do about it.

  • simple
  • compound;

Quiz 2: Adverb Clause Practice Quiz

Q1. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

I want to buy an airplane ticket to visit my family because I have not seen them in a long time.

  • yes
  • no

Q2. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

I don’t know if I can go to the movie with you after we get home from school.

  • yes
  • no

Q3. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

While I was driving home from work yesterday, I saw an accident on the freeway.

  • yes
  • no;

Q4. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

Since you are my best friend I want you to come to my birthday party in Hawaii.

  • yes
  • no;

Quiz 3: Compound and Complex Sentences

Q1. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

Frank bought a new dog and was happy that it didn’t bark at night.

  • Yes
  • No;

Q2. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

When my husband gets home from work we will BBQ some steaks on the grill.

  • Yes
  • No

Q3. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

While John was spending his summer working at a difficult job, Mark was enjoying himself at the pool.

  • Yes
  • No

Q4. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

The price of chocolate is going up because it is more difficult to get now.

  • Yes
  • No

Q5. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

The doctor told Mr. Green that he needs to eat more vegetables and get more exercise since his blood pressure is high.

  • Yes
  • No

Q6. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

You want to go out tonight, however, I want to stay home and watch TV.

  • Yes
  • No

Q7. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

We can go to the beach and swim after we have lunch.

  • Yes
  • No

Q8. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

Since we don’t have much money, we should not plan a big vacation this year.

  • Yes
  • No

Q9. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

  • Take a sandwich with you, in case you don’t have time to stop at a restaurant.
  • Take a sandwich with you in case you don’t have time, to stop at a restaurant.
  • Take a sandwich with you in case you don’t have time to stop at a restaurant.

Q10. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

  • The test was difficult because, we didn’t have much time to answer all of the questions.
  • The test was difficult, because we didn’t have much time to answer all of the questions.
  • The test was difficult because we didn’t have much time to answer all of the questions.

Q11. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

  • We will buy a new sofa, and table if there is a good sale.
  • We will buy a new sofa and table, if there is a good sale.
  • We will buy a new sofa and table if there is a good sale.

Q12. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

  • Michael and Sam, gave Paul and me some tips on how to throw a basketball since we needed some help with our form.
  • Michael and Sam gave Paul and me some tips on how to throw a basketball since we needed some help with our form.
  • Michael and Sam gave Paul and me some tips on how to throw a basketball, since we needed some help with our form.

Q13. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

  • The girls know, how to fix cars and play basketball, but the boys don’t know how to do those things.
  • The girls know how to fix cars, and play basketball, but the boys don’t know how to do those things.
  • The girls know how to fix cars and play basketball, but the boys don’t know how to do those things.

Q14. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

  • I went to get a loan from the bank they told me that my credit was good.
  • I went to get a loan from the bank; they told me that my credit was good.
  • I went to get a loan from the bank, they told me that my credit was good.

Week 4: Grammar and Punctuation Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: More Commas Practice Quiz

Q1. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

I like a pizza with mushrooms, onions, and peppers on it, but my husband likes a pizza with only cheese on it.

  • yes
  • no

Q2. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

The photo, which I took, is of a horse running in a field.

  • yes
  • no

Q3. Is the following sentence punctuated correctly?

In the afternoon we can go to the beach and swim.

  • yes
  • no

Quiz 2: Parallel Structure Practice Quiz

Q1. Is the following a parallel structure?

Bill is interested in not only psychology but also in how plants grow.

  • yes
  • no

Q2. Is the following sentence a parallel structure?

You can go outside and play, but you need to come back when it’s dark.

  • yes
  • no

Q3. Is the following sentence a parallel structure?

My 4-year old daughter is very smart, pretty, and knows how to use a computer.

  • yes
  • no

Quiz 3: Sentence Variety Practice Quiz

Q1. Which of the following is NOT a way to create sentence variety?

  • Use synonyms.
  • Repeat key nouns.
  • Start some sentences with transitions.
  • Write a lot of long sentences.
  • Use adverbs to start some sentences.

Q2. When should you think about putting sentence variety in your essays?

  • After you write the first paragraph.
  • When you begin the essay.
  • When you are revising your essay.

Q3. Does this student’s paragraph use good sentence variety?

My homestay is beautiful. The back yard is natural and green. There is a light green table. It has flowers in the middle. The inside of the house has a modern living room. There
is a television hanging on the wall. There are three speakers on the ceiling
which make you feel you are in the theater. The comfortable kitchen is located
next to the livingroom. The kitchen has a really nice shape. It looks like a
restaurant’s kitchen. My organized room is quiet and is located in front of the
stairs. In all, my homestay’s house looks nice.

  • Yes
  • No



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