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Python Project for Data Science Coursera Quiz Answers
Extracting Stock Data Using a Python Library
Q1. From the lab exercise, in which country is AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) situated?
- United States
- Canada
- China
Q2. In the lab exercise, to which sector does AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) belong?
- Agriculture
- Electronics
- Technology
Q3. In the lab exercise, what is the Volume of AMD traded on the first day (first row)?
- 49109400;
Extracting Stock Data Using a Web Scraping
Q1. In the lab exercise, what is the content of the title attribute from the object soup?
- <title>, Inc. (AMZN) Stock Historical Prices & Data – Yahoo Finance</title>
- (AMZN) Stock Historical Prices & Data – Yahoo Finance
- <b class=”Hidden”>Yahoo Finance</b>
Q2. In the lab exercise, what are the correct names of the columns of the data frame?
- ‘Date’, ‘Open’, ‘High’, ‘Low’
- ‘Date’, ‘Open’, ‘High’, ‘Low’, ‘Close’, ‘Volume’, ‘Adj Close’
- ‘Date’, ‘Open’, ‘High’, ‘Low’, ‘Close’, ‘Volume’, ‘Adj Close’, ‘max’,’min’
Q3. In the lab exercise, what is the opening of the last row in the amazon_data data frame?
- 3,242.36
- 717.32
- 656.29;
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