Advanced Interviewing Techniques Coursera Quiz Answers

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Week 01: Advanced Interviewing Techniques Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Concept Review

Q1. Why does an organization use behavioral interviewing techniques? Check all the answers that apply.

  • Candidates view the process as more friendly because it gives them an opportunity to tell their stories.
  • The interview better represents actual job content and required behavior and skills.
  • Since all candidates are asked the same questions, all have the same opportunity to display knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  • Managers have more control of the interview and apply what they know to procedure design.
  • The use of pre-determined responses and rating scales reduces disagreements and increases the accuracy of judgments.
  • It provides a simpler and faster approach to selecting good candidates.
  • Research shows that properly developed competency-based interview ratings are very consistent among interviewers and better predict future job performance.

Q2. According to the theory of behavioral interviewing what is the best predictor of future success?

  • Past performance;
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Good evaluations
  • Good grades
  • A positive attitude

Q3. When responding to behavioral interview questions, you should

  • Use “I” Language
  • Use “We” Language
  • Give general answers
  • All of the abov

Q4. It is important to memorize your responses to behavioral interview questions.

  • False
  • True

Q5. What percentage of hiring organizations use behavioral interviews?

  • 50%
  • 40%
  • 85%
  • 65%

Q6. When answering questions during a behavioral interview, your answers should be

  • impressive
  • relevant
  • lengthy
  • recent
  • specific;

Quiz 02: Concept Review

Q1. What does S.T.A.R. stand for?

  • Situation, Training, Action and Result
  • Situation, Task, Audience and Result
  • Situation, Task, Action and Result
  • Situation, Task, Action and Resolution

Q2. To prepare for a behavioral interview, you should research

  • The benefits package
  • The position
  • The organization
  • The salary structure
  • Possible interview questions

Q3. Behavioral interview questions will be more ___________ than traditional interview questions.

  • Specific
  • Predictable
  • Probing
  • Lengthy

Q4. When asked a behavioral interview question, you should be prepared to

  • Give short, general answers
  • Give specific, detailed answers
  • Give answers you think they want to hear
  • None of the above

Q5. In behavioral interviews, if you have limited work experience, you should use

  • A. Internships and sports participation.
  • B. Community service and hobbies.
  • Both A and B
  • None of the above.;

Quiz 03: Language Quiz

Q1. Which of the following sentences are correct?

  • When I talked with the vendor, he said that he hadn’t had time to place my order.
  • I had worked there for five years before I got promoted to senior manager.
  • Had you ever worked with such a diverse population?
  • We had tried to meet the deadline for the project when the project was cancelled.
  • Jon knew the expectations of the interviewer so well because he had carefully prepared for it.

Q2. Which of the following sentences are correct?

  • When Jon arrived at the interview site, the interviewer had already been reading his resume.
  • She had been working for the company for three years before she was transferred to London.
  • Before she had become a professional photographer, she attended photography school for four years.
  • Jon had been trying to get a job interview at this company for a month before finally he finally succeeded.
  • They had been talking for several minutes before the salary question was raised.

Q3. Which of the following sentences are NOT correct?

  • I had just left the house when the interviewer called.
  • In theory, if a company makes more money than it spends it had made a profit.
  • The company had been working with risky and unproven technology for decades.
  • Had we had more time, we could have tested the software more thoroughly.
  • He applied to the company four times over the past year.

Q4. Which of the following sentences are correct?

  • Since the interview, Jon got three more offers.
  • I applied there before four years ago.
  • Last month, I submitted seven applications.
  • Jon waited to hear back from the company after his interview.

Q5. Which of the following sentences are NOT correct.

  • After the interview, he had not been very confident.
  • Many projects had not satisfied the clients’ needs, which caused the company to shut down.
  • I had not decided whether or not to take the job, when the offer was sent.
  • Dr. Stevenson had only worked with this population once so far.

Q6. He had already decided when the offer _____.

  • was made
  • had been made
  • was being made

Q7. When we _____ at the station, the train had already left.

  • arrived
  • were arriving
  • had arrived;

Quiz 04: Concept Check

Q1. Which of the following is NOT an example of a behavioral interview question?;

  • Share an example of a time when you successfully worked as part of a group.
  • Describe a decision you made that wasn’t popular and how you handled implementing it.
  • Tell me about at time when you worked effectively under pressure.
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Q2. Which of the following is NOT a way to begin answering a behavioral interview question?

  • I think the best think to do would be…
  • At my previous place of employment, I…
  • When I worked for Lockheed Martin, I…
  • That reminds me of my experience at Chase Bank, when I…

Q3. Which of the following most closely describes a competency?

  • Knowledge, style, abilities, and other qualities.
  • Knowledge, skills, achievements, and other dimensions.;
  • Kindness, sensitivity, assurance, and outstanding personality.
  • Knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics.

Q4. Which of these is NOT a strength of behavioral interviewing?

  • All candidates have the same opportunity to display abilities.
  • Takes less time to develop than traditional interview.
  • Managers can take more control and apply what they know to the design.
  • Better represents actual job content and required behavior.

Q5. To make the best hiring decision, managers strive, first and foremost, to compare the candidate interviewed to

  • the previous job incumbent
  • other candidates interviewed;
  • job performance information
  • current workers in similar job;

Q6. Most experts agree that the best interview questions focus on actual past behaviors and _____. The candidate should explain how he or she has performed in real situations.

  • accomplishments
  • aptitudes
  • attitudes
  • actions

Q7. Which of these is an example of a behavioral interview question?

  • Tell me about a problem that you’ve solved in a unique or unusual way.
  • Do you generally see yourself as a problem solver?
  • Why do you think problem-solving ability is important to job success?
  • Tell me about your duties while you worked at Korn Enterprises.

Q8. Which of these is a behavioral interview question that might assess job “motivation”?

  • Tell me what you like best about your research work at Silicon Graphics.
  • What motivates you to work hard and perform at your highest level?
  • Give an example of a time when you performed beyond the call of duty.
  • How would you describe your work attitude and work motivation?

Q9. Behavioral interview questions are designed to obtain detailed information about a candidate’s past behavior. Interviewers are taught to ask “probe” questions when needed. When do you think those questions would be needed

  • When the interviewer thinks you need general examples of the kind of information he or she is looking for.
  • When the interviewer feels the candidate is stumped or hesitates too long.
  • When the interviewer feels the situation, task, action, or result was incomplete.
  • When the interviewer needs to confirm that the candidate understood the question.

Q10. Every seasoned hiring manager wonders why some hires become long-term employees while others leave after only a short time. Of the following, which do you think has proven to be the most frequently overlooked factor in selecting employees who will stay with the organization?

  • Match between worker personality and work environment.
  • Quality or general lack of previous job related experience.
  • Need for formal training to supplement entry level skills.
  • Candidate job-related knowledge, skills, or basic abilities;

Week 02: Advanced Interviewing Techniques Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Language Quiz

Q1. The perfect _____ for this problem is through negotiation.

  • solution
  • resolution

Q2. As time goes by, I think it will become even more difficult to _____ the issue.

  • solve
  • resolv

Q3. I used to want to _____ every problem. Now I let some things slide.

  • solve
  • resolve

Q4. If the parties do not _____ the dispute within 60 days, the complainant may request a WTO dispute settlement panel.

  • solve
  • resolv

Q5. If we could find a _____ to the nuclear waste problem, then nuclear energy would be a viable option.

  • solution
  • resolution

Q6. Investigators were focusing on trying to _____ the crime.

  • solve
  • resolve;

Q7. No one has found a _____ to the suicide bombers.

  • solution
  • resolution;

Q8. Scientists are trying to _____ the mystery of the disappearing honey bees.

  • solve
  • resolve

Q9. Stewart says we can build a research community that comes together to _____ the problems facing our planet.

  • Solve;
  • resolve

Q10. The conference continued into the evening with no _____ of the issue.

  • Solution;
  • resolutio

Q11. The entire region is in a holding pattern, still hoping for some peaceful _____ of the current standoff.

  • solution
  • resolution

Q12. The opposition has criticized the coalition leader for not doing enough to _____ the crisis.

  • solve
  • resolve

Q13. The two companies worked together to _____ the puzzle of how to jointly protect their products.

  • solve
  • resolve

Q14. There is hope that the two sides can _____ their differences peacefully.

  • solve
  • resolv

Q15. To _____ the challenges facing our country, we have to agree to disagree in some areas.

  • solve
  • resolve;

Week 03: Advanced Interviewing Techniques Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Concept Review

Q1. No one expects you to answer the weakness question honestly.

  • False
  • True

Q2. A hiring manager asks this question because he or she

  • Wants to see if you can answer the question calmly and confidently.
  • Wants to show you who has the power in the interview.
  • Wants to see to what extent you are responsible for your own growth and development.
  • Wants to humiliate you and put you in your place.
  • Wants to evaluate your ability to honestly assess yourself.

Q3. Thoughtful and intentional self-examination is a critical discipline in the modern world.

  • True
  • False;

Quiz 02: Hedging Language Quiz

Q1. Does the following expression use hedging language?

Viewing a movie in which alcohol is portrayed appears to lead to higher total alcohol consumption of young people while watching the movie.

  • Yes, this uses hedging language.
  • No, this does not use hedging language.

Q2. Does the following expression use hedging language?

This definitely proves that a movie in which a lot of partying is involved triggers a social process that affects total drinking amounts.

  • Yes, this uses hedging language.
  • No, this does not use hedging language.

Q3. Which of the words or phrases in the following represent hedging language?

The Queen of England appears to be popular and seems to be loved and respected by many of her subjects.

  • by many of
  • popular
  • appears
  • respected
  • seems

Q4. Which of the words or phrases in the following represent hedging language?

I think you might be mistaken.

  • I think
  • mistaken
  • might be

Q5. Decide which kind of hedging word or phrase is represented by the following:

  • possible
  • probable
  • definite
  • modal adjectives
  • introductory phrases
  • modal verbs
  • adverbs

Q6. Decide which kind of hedging word or phrase is represented by the following:

  • may
  • might
  • could
  • introductory phrases
  • modal verbs
  • adverbs
  • modal adjectives

Q7. Decide which kind of hedging word or phrase is represented by the following:;

  • probably
  • usually
  • possibly
  • modal verbs
  • adverbs
  • modal adjectives
  • introductory phrases

Q8. You say: “I noticed from your brochure that you are actively involved in several projects to support the local community.” Then you follow that statement with one of the following questions.

A If I were to work for you, would that be something I could get involved in?
B If I work for you, will that be something I can get involved in?
C If I worked for you, would that be something I could get involved in?
D If I work for you, is that something I can get involved in?

Rank the questions from most tentative (most hedged) to most assertive (least hedged).

  • A B C D
  • A C B D
  • C A D B
  • C B A D

Q9. Rank the following statements from most tentative to least

A I sometimes feel a bit anxious when I speak in public.
B I feel anxious when I speak in public
C There have been times when I have felt anxious speaking in public.
D I have been told that at times I seem anxious when speaking in public.
  • C D B A
  • D B C A
  • D C A B
  • A B C D

Q10. Choose the best answer to complete this sentence:

It can be -______ that, for young adult males, the portrayal of alcohol on a television screen might lead to increased alcohol consumption

  • concluded
  • proven
  • estimated
  • suggeste;

Q11. Choose the best answer to complete this sentence:

The increasing sales of generic drugs _____ be bad news for big pharmaceutical companies

  • may
  • should
  • coul

Q12. Choose the best answer to complete this sentence

The company just felt it _____ be better not to do anything publicly right now

  • would
  • must
  • will

Q13. You think “I’m bored with my job.” Instead, you say

  • I’m eager to develop my practical skills.
  • I’m seeking fresh challenges.
  • I’m seeking the opportunity to develop further professionally.
  • I feel I’m best suited to working behind the scenes.

Q14. You think “The place where I work is too small.” Instead, you say

  • I feel I’m best suited to working behind the scenes.
  • I’m eager to develop my practical skills.
  • I’m looking for an opportunity to work in R & D.
  • I’m looking for an opportunity to contribute to a larger organization.

Q15. You think “There are things that I don’t like about my job.” Instead you say:

  • I enjoy a great deal about my current job.
  • I’m seeking fresh challenges.
  • I’m seeking the opportunity to develop further professionally.
  • I’m eager to develop my practical skills.

Q16. You think “I’m not getting paid enough at my current job.” Instead, you say:

  • I feel I’m best suited to working behind the scenes.
  • I’m seeking a position with greater responsibilities.
  • I’m seeking the opportunity to develop further professionally.
  • I’m eager to develop my practical skills.

Week 04: Advanced Interviewing Techniques Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Questions to Ask of an Interviewer

Q1. This question can highlight that you are eager to develop your skills and add further value to the organization.

  • Could you tell me more about the training opportunities you offer?
  • What is the top priority of the person who accepts this job?
  • Could you tell me how performance is measured and reviewed?
  • What are the most important issues that you think the organization faces?

Q2. This question can emphasize your determination to make progress and do so over the long term.

  • Would there be a chance for promotion in the future?
  • Do you have any doubts about whether I am suited to this position?
  • You mentioned there would be a lot of researching. Could you tell me what your most successful employees find most satisfying about this part of the position?
  • Could you tell me how performance is measured and reviewed?

Q3. This question can demonstrate your listening skills. It further communicates your desire to perform at a high level and find a good fit in the organization.

  • Could you tell me how performance is measured and reviewed?
  • You mentioned there would be a lot of researching. Could you tell me what your most successful employees find most satisfying about this part of the position?
  • What is the top priority of the person who accepts this job?
  • Do you have any doubts about whether I am suited to this position?

Q4. This question shows that you are interested in the organization as well as the job. It indicates you’ve done some research and thinking about the organization’s future.

  • What are the most important issues that you think the organization faces?
  • What is the top priority of the person who accepts this job?
  • Do you have any doubts about whether I am suited to this position?
  • What can you tell me about this job that isn’t in the description?

Q5. This question can demonstrate that you appreciate the importance of delivering results.

  • What can you tell me about this job that isn’t in the description?
  • What are the prospects for growth for the person in this job?
  • What is the top priority of the person who accepts this job?
  • Could you tell me how performance is measured and reviewedif(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],’networkingfunda_com-portrait-1′,’ezslot_25′,696,’0′,’0′])};__ez_fad_position(‘div-gpt-ad-networkingfunda_com-portrait-1-0’);

Q6. This question shows you are open to constructive criticism and willing to learn from others. It also gives you the opportunity to emphasize the benefits you would bring to the organization.

  • What is the key thing that makes someone successful in this position?
  • Do you have any doubts about whether I am suited to this position?
  • What are the most important skills of the person who succeeds in this job?
  • What is the top priority of the person who accepts this job?

Q7. This question can show that you like to know what sort of challenge you are going to face and that you like to get properly prepared for it.

  • How long does someone typically stay in this job?
  • What is the top priority of the person who accepts this job?
  • What is the key thing that makes someone successful in this position?
  • What are the most important skills of the person who succeeds in this job?

Q8. Select the questions that can help you learn about the organizational culture and the kind of people that are happy there.

  • What do you enjoy most about working here?
  • What is the key thing that makes someone successful in this position?
  • What are the most important skills of the person who succeeds in this job?
  • What characteristics are shared by the most successful employees of this organization?
  • How is success in this job measured by you? By the organization?
  • What is the organization and team culture like?;

Week 05: Advanced Interviewing Techniques Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Concept Review

Q1. What percentage of candidates do recruiters estimate they eliminate through phone screening?

  • 75 to 80%
  • 40 to 50%
  • 70 to 80%
  • 50 to 60%

Q2. What do good listeners do? Select all the answers that apply.

  • They are willing to speak.
  • They work hard to understand.
  • They understand communication always takes place in context.
  • They are good at balancing multiple tasks at once.
  • They help the speaker by finishing his or her own thoughts.
  • They pay careful attention to words.
  • They are not simply waiting to talk again when someone else is speaking.
  • They respond promptly to questions they are asked.
  • They listen primarily for facts.

Q3. The lunch hour is a good time to schedule a phone interview.

  • True;
  • False

Q4. Identify the strategies that can help you prepare for a phone interview.

  • Eating a full meal.
  • Covert rehearsal.
  • Anticipating follow-up questions.
  • Talking with friends.
  • Power posing

Q5. A first impression during a phone interview is made within ___.

  • 15 seconds
  • 3 to 5 minutes
  • One minute.
  • 30 seconds

Q6. Small talk has no place in a serious phone interview.

  • False
  • True

Q7. If the interviewer is rude on the phone, you should ignore it.

  • False.
  • True

Q8. Identify the three key factors an interviewer will be listening carefully for.

  • Your ability to convey real-world competencies.
  • Your desire to pursue the position.
  • Your enthusiasm for an interest in the position.
  • Your ability to tell effective stories.
  • Your personality.;

Quiz 02: Concept Review

Q1. If the interviewer is late with the phone interview, you should just wait until he or she calls.

  • False
  • True

Q2. It’s a good idea to dress in casual clothes so you are relaxed for your phone interview.

  • True
  • False

Q3. The local coffee shop is a good place for your phone interview.

  • False
  • True

Q4. Since you’re on the phone, it doesn’t make any difference how you sit.

  • False
  • True

Q5. Why is it a good idea to smile on the phone?

  • It affects your overall attitude.
  • It conveys your winning sense of humor.
  • It helps you sound enthusiastic.
  • It transfers to your tone of voice.

Q6. Your voice loses about half its energy through a phone connection.

  • True
  • False

Q7. What are the 5 P’s?

  • Past – Preparation – Predicts – Professional – Performance
  • Prior – Preparation – Prevents – Poor – Performance
  • Previous – Preparation – Prevents – Poor – Performance

Q8. You can start preparing for your phone interview anytime.

  • False
  • True

Q9. During the interview, you should really sell yourself.

  • False
  • True

Q10. You should let the interviewer control the time in the interview.

  • True
  • False;


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