3D Printing Software Coursera Quiz Answers

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Week 01: 3D Printing Software Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Orientation Quiz

Q1. This course includes ___ modules.

  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Q2. I am required to purchase a textbook for this course.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Which of the following activities is NOT required in each module?

  • Watch the lecture videos.
  • Complete the practice quizzes.
  • Complete the module quizzes.
  • Complete the peer reviewed assignments.

Q4. The following tool(s) will help me use the discussion forums:

  • Upvoting posts
  • Reporting inappropriate posts
  • Following a thread
  • All of the other options are correct.

Q5. If I have a problem in the course I should:

  • Email the instructor
  • Call the instructor
  • Drop the class
  • Report it to the Learner Help Center (if the problem is technical) or to the Content Issues forum (if the problem is an error in the course materials).;

Q6. What do industrial designers do?

  • Design and build factories and other industrial buildings
  • Technical consultants for any problems relating to industry
  • Develop robots and certain machines that operate on factory floors
  • Help design, style, build, manufacture, and generate ideas of the products and things we use as a society

Q7. According to the introduction video, what is the first step of creating ideas as an industrial designer?

  • 3D modeling
  • Drawing
  • Being a creative person in general
  • Coding

Q8. What are the three main goals of this course? (choose three answers)

  • Develop your skills in operating 3D printers as well as their repair and maintenance
  • Develop your understanding of how to use various 3D scanning tools to obtain digital designs that can be 3D printed.
  • Enable you to create “Design Sketches” for developing ideas that can be turned into 3D designs.
  • Demonstrate how you can turn sketches and ideas into 3D printable designs using both Tinkercad and Fusion 360.
  • Teach you to discuss your ideas with others and how to start a business selling products you’ve designed

Q9. What topic does this course NOT cover?

  • TinkerCad
  • Autodesk Fusion 360
  • 3D Printer Maintenance
  • Sketching for 3D printing
  • Concepts in 3D scanning;

Quiz 02 : Module 1

Q1. The purpose of design sketching is to:

  • Create beautiful works of art
  • Express yourself and your feelings to others
  • Communicate a design or product idea to other peopl

Q2. The best way to draw lines is to (choose two answers):

  • Draw confident, complete lines that are not broken up into many small lines
  • Make many small lines that create one big line
  • Draw from your shoulder
  • Draw from your thumb and pointer fingers

Q3. What is the purpose of line weight control?

  • There is no purpose
  • Draw the viewer’s eyes to certain aspects of the sketch over others
  • Lines on the outside of a sketch should have heavier weights than inside lines

Q4. True or false: Drawing with perspective makes the sketch look more realistic.

  • True
  • False

Q5. How many vanishing points are used in drawing an isometric cube?

  • 2
  • 5
  • 0
  • 4

Q6. True or false: Tracing over old drawings is considered cheating and shouldn’t be done.

  • True
  • False

Week 02: 3D Printing Software Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Module 2 Quiz

Q1. To use 3D printing technology, we need to have 3D data.

  • True
  • False

Q2. In Tinkercad, you can easily get predetermined geometric shapes (eg. Cubes, cylinder, etc) in the “Geometric” session, and you:

  • Can change its dimensions (height, width, length)
  • Can scale it
  • Cannot change its color
  • Can move it freely on the design plane

Q3. How can you scale an object uniformly (i.e. scaling in a way that the final proportion of the dimensions will not change):

  • Press “Shift” while scaling;
  • Press “Ctrl” while scaling
  • Press “Ctrl + Shift” while scaling
  • Press “Ctrl + Alt” while scaling

Q4. To combine/group these two shapes together, which is the best way to position them:

  • Two shapes not connected to each other:

<image: https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/17SGIHwyEeaNlA6zo4Pi2Q_9a977a345f4e82f8cdea1230c41920f5_a.png?expiry=1664323200000&hmac=F_foXjNi2oWxJhXpCENCSnQwI6bj-H4hyGQHw04CdCM>

  • Two shapes are connecting each other exactly on the surface:

<image: https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/52WN03wyEeam4BLcQYZr8Q_64624d2ae23337d6cd3b835f1bbdb1d9_b.png?expiry=1664323200000&hmac=T0UZs5dANio3Fvu9dhwspnCkA1hx0euDOFCgy87KtW4>

  • Two shapes are connected by some overlapping parts:

<image: https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/CKLFFXwzEeazqQoyai5dlw_754aeb1f4ba1545113db7dd5af5d4ae1_c.png?expiry=1664323200000&hmac=iy9uBh7XeHXOD9Sb-4QAJU2_SsA2k0IOTCKpqUyMY6M>

Q5. How do you combine the two shapes together in tinkercad?

  • Just click “Group”
  • Select one of the objects and click “Group”
  • Select both objects and click “Group”


Consider you have these two objects:

<image: https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/Nvx19HwzEeaTyQp_BD0w6w_8f654550cc78a7f8f623834527a31b76_6.png?expiry=1664323200000&hmac=rqqY0ys69_QIGRA77OHuTJrA6j4jnNAxrTcFjD_IdZ8>

If you Select the cylinder and then click on “Hole”, then move the cylinder inside the cube, then select both of them and “Group” them, what will you get?;

<image: https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/VQaV1nwzEeaTyQp_BD0w6w_b8e0ff7afd8277f0824a70e6e698fb98_b.png?expiry=1664323200000&hmac=Kv7tle2PtFDNoldmKUR_p51dBFkY-Dl4t7xhSItl84c>

<image: https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/TjSswnwzEealOA67wFuqoQ_1b88f7ac9fedf405d3775c24cd41f45d_a.png?expiry=1664323200000&hmac=VJfj7h5IZ_AJNO4WA7h8155Ua29kiotvJ_0naoCqHAU>

<image: https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/XAVbmHwzEeaQkhKk4jYr6Q_bdd03791275e17a191371d82e9c71709_c.png?expiry=1664323200000&hmac=aQ9TDoro70mAa604Xn-Pd00ty5B8A7WEGZBB3JdNGgw>

<image: https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/5BB5zHwzEeaQkhKk4jYr6Q_1486a4ea8600ac60e6e7af6fbb7b4b95_d.png?expiry=1664323200000&hmac=ios_c7L-UovIHaTLAQlrGiXBTOAORoAS0_MV7nOLGRM>

Week 03: 3D Printing Software Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 02: Module 3 Quiz

Q1. Consider the following statements about primitives and sketch based modeling in fusion? Identify all the statements that are true

  • For primitive options you can create a shape without sketching;
  • Extrude and Loft are two operations during sketch based modeling
  • You need to sketch to create a cylinder and a coil using the “Create” options in the “Model” mode

Q2. In which mode can you adjust the geometry that you made?

  • Sketch
  • Create
  • Modify
  • Assemble
  • Construct

Q3. You can get a 3d printable file directly out of Fusion, because you can export your model as an STL file

  • True
  • False

Q4. If I only want to edit the edges of the geometry shapes created, what is the best way to do it?

  • Select individual edges and edit them one by one
  • No way, because I can only edit the faces and bodies of the shapes
  • I can use “Selection filter” under “Select” and choose “body edges”, because in this way I can easily edit only the edges of all my shapes

Q5. True or False: You can insert real parts from McMaster Carr and other hardware retailers directly into the Fusion 360 model.

  • True
  • False;

Q6. This tool allows you to rotate and pan the view of your workspace:

  • Data Panel
  • Right Click
  • Workspace Orient Panel
  • View Cube

Q7. The Part Browser (window on the left side of the default screen) keeps track of the following features (select all that apply)?

  • Bodies
  • Construction objects
  • Part histories
  • Named views

Q8. True or False: The Timeline in Fusion 360 keeps track of your actions and allows you view or to roll back your model to a previous versions.

  • False
  • True;

Q9. Which of the following are valid operation controls in Fusion 360 when two bodies interact (select three answers)

  • Intersect
  • Cut
  • Bisect
  • Join
  • Subtract

Q10. What is the first step in creating a sketch?

  • Hide previous sketches
  • Draw the sketch first using construction geometry, and then draw the actual sketch
  • Just start drawing the sketch
  • Pick a plane to sketch on

Q11. How do you hide geometry?

  • Use parametric modeling
  • Use the View Cube
  • Use the Timeline
  • Use the Browser;

Q12. What is the main difference between components and bodies?

  • Components are combined to create bodies
  • Bodies are used in sculpting mode while components are used in parametric mode
  • Bodies are combined to create components
  • Components are objects that have been converted from bodies to be used as real parts for an assembly

Q13. True or false: Joints create and promote movement in the Fusion 360 modeling environment.

  • True
  • False

Q14. True or false: Joints can be created with either bodies or components.

  • True
  • False

Q15. What is a contact set in Fusion 360?

  • Contact sets are the groups of other users who can view or edit a project
  • Contact sets are types of construction objects
  • Contact sets allow components to behave like real solid objects to prevent unwanted object intersections
  • Contact sets are used to define where a joint will be placed;

Week 04: 3D Printing Software Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Module 4 Quiz

Q1. Create a box in the sculpt mode, its edges are

  • Smooth, because each face is tangent to its neighbor.
  • Sharp, because the box should be the same as the one in the modeling mode.
  • Smooth but not continuous

Q2. To select multiple points, edges, and faces, you can hold ____ while selecting them:

  • Shift
  • Alt
  • Tab

Q3. To select multiple faces, if you drag a “selection box”…

  • from right to left, you will select all the faces that are contained in and touch the box
  • from right to left, you will select only the faces that touch the box
  • from left to right, you will select only the faces that are contained in the box
  • from left to right, you will select all the faces that are contained in and touch the box

Q4. What would happen if you double click on a face?

  • You will select only the face clicked
  • You will select the face clicked and the surrounding faces connected
  • You will select the entire body that the face is on

Q5. Using ”Subdivide” on faces and using “Insert edge” on edges are two ways of adding faces.

  • True
  • False;

Week 05: 3D Printing Software Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Module 5 Quiz

Q1 What are the two software introduced in the video that can process photos to get a model of a 3D object (Photogrammetry)?

  • Agisoft Photoscan
  • Autodesk 123D Catch
  • Kinect scanner

Q2. Which technique is better at getting details of a complicated object, like a plant?

  • Structured Light Scanners
  • photogrammetry

Q3.“Next engine” uses laser light, and can do high resolution scans with accurate and detailed results, but it is time-consuming.

  • True
  • False

Q4. When using the Photogrammetry method of scanning, you can zoom in and out with your camera to get the best pictures of the still object from different angles of views.

  • True
  • False

Q5. After 3D scanning, (usually) we get a shell/surface with no volume. It can be printed directly on the 3D printer without modifications.

  • True
  • False;

Q6. True or False: The Xbox Kinect has a fixed focus lens so it works best for scanning certain size objects at a certain distance away.

  • True
  • False

Q7. The Depth Threshold tool on the Xbox Kinect does what? Choose one.

  • It varies the aperture of the lens
  • It varies the height and width of the image the camera can see
  • It is used to specify how far from the camera the object is in order to limit background noise

Q8. True or False: The Xbox Kinect and Structure Sensor for the iPad both use structured light infrared camera technology to take 3D scans.

  • True
  • False

Q9. True or False: The NextEngine 3D scanner can take dimensionally accurate scans but takes a much longer amount of time to scan than the Xbox Kinect and Structure Sensor.

  • True
  • False

Q10. What kind of camera is required for photogrammetry?

  • It must be a high quality camera with a zoom lens
  • It must be a smartphone camera
  • Most cameras will work, including a smartphone camera
  • It must be a special 3D camera

Q11. What needs to be done during post processing for photogrammetry in order to prepare the scan for 3D printing?

  • Close open surfaces to create watertight object
  • Build a mesh using imported photos
  • Clean the mesh by cropping unwanted points or surfaces
  • All answers are correct;
Based on our knowledge, we urge you to enroll in this course so you can pick up new skills from specialists. It will be worthwhile, we trust.


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