Big Data, Genes, and Medicine Coursera Quiz Answers

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Big Data, Genes, and Medicine Coursera Quiz Answers

Week 01

DNA, RNA, Genes, and Proteins

Q1. The sequence “GTGAGCACCGTGCTGACCTCCAAATACCGTTAAGCTGGAGCCTCGGTGGC” can be a fragment of (check only one):

  • Protein
  • RNA
  • DNA

Q2. Compare and contrast the different types of RNA in a cell by finding the one FALSE answer among the following:

  • rRNA, or ribosomal RNA, is located in the ribosomes and an integral part of them (60%).
  • tRNA, or transfer RNA, assists in the mRNA translation, by carrying each new amino acid to the growing end of a protein being created.
  • Each aminoacid has its specific ribosomal rRNA in a ribosome.
  • mRNA, or messenger RNA, is the one which specializes in coding for proteins;

Transcription and Translation Processes

Q1. What is the RNA sequence complementary to the DNA sequence “AGAATCGGGACA”


Q2. Which of the following codons have a different amino acid associated with them (you may use the protein wheel to do the translation)?

  • AUU
  • AUG
  • AUA
  • AUC

Q3. Which of the following biological macromolecules will never contain a “Tyrosine” subunit? Choose all that apply.

  • RNA
  • DNA
  • Protein

Data, Variables, and Big Datasets

Q1. What kind of data is represented by the Gender (Male / Female) and Insurance (Medicare / Medicaid / Blue Cross / Commercial / Other) variables? Choose all that apply. (Hint: Focus on the nature of the data contained by the variable rather than the graphical display of that data).


  • Categorical
  • Nominal
  • Numeric

Q2. What kind of data would most likely be represented by a Body Temperature (°C) variable? Choose all that apply.

  • Interval
  • Ratio
  • Nominal
  • Ordinalif(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],’networkingfunda_com-netboard-1′,’ezslot_21′,854,’0′,’0′])};__ez_fad_position(‘div-gpt-ad-networkingfunda_com-netboard-1-0’);

Working with cBioPortal

Q1. To answer the following question, submit a query using a “User-defined List” as input at, with the “tcga” cancer study tag entered:

Querying JAK2 on cBioPortal, what accounts for the majority of its alteration in GBM (TCGA 2008)? Hint: see the “Overview” tab.

  • Amplification
  • Deletion
  • Mutation

Q2. To answer the following question, submit a query using a “User-defined List” as input at, with the “tcga” cancer study tag entered:

Querying EGFR ERBB2 ERBB3 ERBB4 on cBioPortal, which of the following mutation types does ERBB2 exhibit the most often? Hint: see the “Mutations” tab.

  • Truncating
  • Missense
  • In-frame

Q3. To answer the following question, submit a query using a “User-defined List” as input at, with the Breast Invasive Carcinoma (TCGA, Cell 2015) dataset selected. Then, make sure to select “mRNA Expression data z-Scores (RNA Seq V2 RSEM)” with a z-score threshold of 2.0:

Querying JAK2 on cBioPortal, how is the JAK2 gene mRNA mostly dysregulated? Hint: see the “OncoPrint” tab.

  • Downregulated
  • Upregulated;

Week 02

Datasets and Files

Q1. Which of the following is an example of a File?

  • An Excel spreadsheet
  • A cell in an Excel spreadsheet
  • A row in an Excel spreadsheet
  • A column in an Excel spreadsheet

Q2. A CSV file uses a special character to separate between fields. Which of the following are commonly used separator characters?

  • Character “a”
  • A tab
  • A space
  • A comma;

Data Preprocessing Tasks

Q1. Data preprocessing tasks include (choose all that apply):

  • Discretizing variables
  • Replacing missing values
  • Normalizing data
  • Adding variables
  • Imputing missing values

Q2. Which of the following is a type of data reduction?

1 point

  • Data normalization
  • Feature selection
  • Data imputation
  • Data understanding

Normalization and Discretization

Q1. When normalizing the dataset [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] through Z-score normalization, which of the following elements would be normalized to 0?

  • 20
  • 10
  • 40
  • 50
  • 30

Q2. Consider the data [2, 4, 8, 16] discretized by equal-depth binning. Which of the following is a valid set of equal-depth bin intervals for these data?

  • [2, 3], [4, 16]
  • [2, 7], [8, 16]
  • [1, 5], [6, 10], [11, 15], [16, 20]
  • [2, 8], [9, 16];

Data Reduction

Q1. When sampling a dataset [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90] with Simple Random Sampling With Replacement, which samples can we obtain? Choose all that apply.

  • [10]
  • [20, 40, 40]
  • [30, 30, 30, 30]
  • [10, 50, 60]

Q2. When sampling a dataset [10, 10, 20, 30] with Simple Random Sampling Without Replacement, which samples can we obtain? Choose all that apply.

  • [10, 20, 20]
  • [10, 20, 30]
  • [10, 10, 20]
Q3. When sampling a dataset [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70] with Simple Random Sampling Without Replacement, which samples can we obtain? Choose all that apply.
  • [10, 20]
  • [40, 10, 30, 20, 60, 10,  50]
  • [10]
  • [10, 10]

Working with R

Q1. The code below loads a previously installed package into R.


Which of the following is not a conventional way to install an R package?

  • From Bioconductor, or another contributed package resource
  • Directly from The Comprehensive R Archive Network install.packages()
  • Purchasing an annual proprietary license for CRAN

Q2. Which of the following statements about Anaconda is not true?

  • Anaconda can provide a Jupyter notebook written in Python to run scripts online.
  • Anaconda provides R by default.
  • Anaconda is a set of tools for data science.;

Week 03

Feature Selection Methods

Q1. With a dataset having 4 features, how many different subsets of features are there

1 point

  • 16
  • 8
  • 4
  • 2

Q2. Which of the following are examples of feature selection methods? Choose all that apply.

  • Log transformation.
  • Filter methods.
  • Student’s t-test.
  • Wrapper methods.;

Differentially Expressed Genes

Q1. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the identification of deferentially expressed genes?

  • Identifying differentially expressed genes requires more than one subject in each population examined.
  • Identifying differentially expressed genes requires one and only one population (e.g., diseased subjects).
  • Identifying differentially expressed genes requires the consideration of multiple expression levels across multiple subjects.

Question 2)

What do you think could cause a gene to express differentially when a person has a particular disease when compared with normal subjects?
What do you think?
  • Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.
Question 3)
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the identification of deferentially expressed genes?
  • Identifying differentially expressed genes requires more than one subject in each population examined.
  • Identifying differentially expressed genes requires one and only one population (e.g., diseased subjects).
  • Identifying differentially expressed genes requires the consideration of multiple expression levels across multiple subjects.


Q1. Which of the following best describes the axes of a heatmap?

  • One axis may show genes while the other axis may show gene expression.
  • One axis may show subjects while the other axis may show gene expression.
  • One axis shows genes while the other axis shows subjects.
Question 2)
Which of the following is part of model building?
  • Transformation
  • Normalization
  • Prediction methods
  • Binning
Question 3)
When building a classifier, what best describes the test step?
  • The test step is required.
  • The test step is optional.
Question 4)
What is required to build a classifier?
  • Training step and test step
  • Training step or test step

Week 04


Q1. At which stage of Big Data analytics are classification and prediction methods used?

  • Domain understanding
  • Data understanding
  • Data preparation
  • Model building
  • Training and evaluation
  • Deployment

Q2. When building a classifier, which of following steps are required at a minimum? Choose all that apply.

  • Training step
  • Test step

Classification with Analogy

Q1. Which of the following correctly describes a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm? Choose all that apply.

  • It uses a kernel function to solve non-linear problems as if they were linear.
  • It uses an ensemble of decision trees to separate classes.
  • It aims at finding an optimal hyperplane to separate objects into separate classes.

Question 1)

Which of the following correctly describes a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm? Choose all that apply.
  • It uses a kernel function to solve non-linear problems as if they were linear.
  • It uses an ensemble of decision trees to separate classes. 
  • It aims at finding an optimal hyperplane to separate objects into separate classes. ogy


Question 2)
Which of the following correctly describes a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm? Choose all that apply.
  • It can only solve linear problems.
  • It requires the user to specify known class labels for the training step. 
  • It aims at finding an optimal hyperplane to separate objects into separate classes. 

Classification based on Rules

Q1. Which of the following best describes a decision tree?

  • It requires the user to specify known class labels for the training step.
  • It uses the analogy of the brain organization to create a tree.
  • It builds a tree that is as compact as possible proceedings from bottom to top.

Classification with Neural Networks

Question 1)


Which of the following correctly describes a neural network?
  • It uses prior probabilities to calculate the classification rule.
  • It uses a kernel function to solve non-linear problems as if they were linear.
  • An input layer, one or several hidden layers, and an output layer are required to solve complex problems.

Question 2)

Which of the following correctly describes a neural network? Choose all that apply.
  • An input layer, one or several hidden layers, and an output layer are required to solve complex problems.
  • It requires the user to specify known class labels for the training step.
  • An input layer and an output layer are sufficient to solve complex problems.
Question 3)
Which of the following correctly describes a neural network? Choose all that apply.
    • It requires the user to specify known class labels for the training step.
    • It aims at finding an optimal hyperplane to separate objects into separate classes.
    • Its design is inspired by the architecture of the brain.
    • An input layer and an output layer are sufficient to solve complex problems.

Classification based on Statistics

Q1. Which of the following are statistical methods for classification? Choose all that apply.

  • Generalized Linear Models (GLM)
  • Bayesian network
  • Logistic regression

Q2. Which of the following are statistical methods for classification? Choose all that apply.

  • Support vector machines
  • Belief networks
  • Neural networks
  • Logistic regression


Classification based on Probabilities

Q1. Which of the following are names for probabilistic models? Choose all that apply

  • Graphical models
  • Generalized Linear Models (GLM)
  • Bayesian networks
  • Decision trees

Prediction Models

Q1. Consider the scenario where a researcher uses neural networks to predict the presence or absence of cancer from measured variables. This is an example of which of the following models?

  • Classification
  • Prediction
  • Clustering

Week 05

Gene Alterations

Q1. Which of the following are main effects of gene alterations? Choose all that apply.

  • Underexpression of the corresponding gene
  • Replacement of a chromosome
  • Repression of a transcript
  • Overexpression of the corresponding gene
  • Creation of different forms of proteins

Q2. Which of the following terms best describes a genetic event in which the part of one chromosome combines with part of another chromosome?

  • Silent mutation
  • Translocation
  • Missense mutation;
  • Nonsense mutation

Gene Mutations

Q1. Which terms describe the type of mutation shown in the following figure? Choose all that apply.


  • A single point mutation
  • A nonsense mutation
  • A truncating mutation
  • A synonymous mutation

Q2. Which of the following describes an individual homozygous for Gene A?

  • The individual has two different alleles for Gene A.
  • The individual has two copies of the same allele for Gene A.

Q3. To answer the following question, submit a query using a “User-defined List” as input at, with the Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (TCGA, Nature 2013) dataset selected. Then, make sure to select “Mutations” only:

Querying PTEN on cBioPortal, what percentage of diagnosed patients have genetic mutations for this gene? Hint: see the “OncoPrint” tab.;

Copy Number Alterations

Q1. Which of the following events would most likely lead to over-expression of Gene A?

1 point

  • Repression of Gene A through DNA methylation.
  • A synonymous mutation in the coding portion of Gene A.
  • A decrease in the copy number of Gene A.
  • An increase in the copy number of Gene A.

Q2. Which of the following accurately describes the difference between gene amplification and gene copy number gain?

  • The number of copies of a gene in gene amplification is much smaller than in gene copy number gain.
  • The number of copies of a gene in gene amplification is much larger than in gene copy number gain.

Question 1)

Which of the following best describes copy number alteration?
  • The number of gene mutations in a gene.
  • The number of copies of the same gene an individual.
Question 2)
Which of the following events would lead to relatively fewer gene copies?
  • Gene copy number gain
  • Gene amplification


Question 3)
Which of the following events would most likely lead to over-expression of Gene A?
  • Repression of Gene A through DNA methylation.
  • A synonymous mutation in the coding portion of Gene A.
  • A decrease in the copy number of Gene A.
  • An increase in the copy number of Gene A.
Question 4)
Which of the following accurately describes the difference between gene amplification and gene copy number gain?
  • The number of copies of a gene in gene amplification is much larger than in gene copy number gain.
  • The number of copies of a gene in gene amplification is much smaller than in gene copy number gain.
Question 5)
Which of the following terms best describe a gene duplication event?
  • Non-synonymous mutation
  • Methylation
  • Copy number alteration
  • Synonymous mutation
Question 6)
Which of the following events would lead to relatively more gene copies?
  • Gene copy number gain
  • Gene amplification

Genomic Alterations and Gene Expressions

Q1. To answer the following question, submit a query using a “User-defined List” as input at, with the Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (TCGA, Nature 2013) dataset selected. Then, make sure to select “mRNA Expression data z-Scores (RNA Seq V2 RSEM)” with a z-score threshold of 2.0:

Querying EGFR on cBioPortal, what percentage of diagnosed patients have genetic mutations, copy number variations, or gene expression alterations for this gene? Hint: see the “OncoPrint” tab.

Q2. To answer the following question, submit a query using a “User-defined List” as input at, with the Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (TCGA, Nature 2013) dataset selected. Then, make sure to select “mRNA Expression data z-Scores (RNA Seq V2 RSEM)” with a z-score threshold of 2.0:

Querying EGFR on cBioPortal, which of the following is true about this gene? Hint: see the “OncoPrint” tab.

  • Most gene alterations are truncating mutation events.
  • Most gene alterations are mRNA upregulation events.
  • Most gene alterations are amplification events.
  • Most gene alterations are missense mutation events.;

Week 06


Q1. Which of the following best describes a cluster?

  • A type of supervised learning method.
  • A group of users of data analytics services.
  • A group of data within a dataset.

Q2. Which of the following are criteria used for assessing the performance of a clustering method? Choose all that apply.

  • Robustness to noise
  • Understandability
  • Scalability

Q3. What is the Euclidean distance between the two points (1, 3) and (1, 4) in a dataset?

  • Enter the answer
Question 4)
Which of the following are criteria used for assessing the performance of a clustering method? Choose all that apply.
  • Scalability
  • Understandability
  • Robustness to noise

Clustering Methods

Q1. Which of the following statements correctly apply to KMeans clustering? Choose all that apply.

  • The centroid of a cluster is calculated as the average of the samples in that cluster.
  • KMeans clustering is robust to outliers.
  • KMeans automatically determines the optimal number of clusters in a dataset.

Q2. Which of the following statements correctly apply to density-based clustering? Choose all that apply.

  • Clusters can have any shape.
  • It is a computationally expensive clustering algorithm.
  • The centroid of a cluster is calculated as the median of the samples in that cluster.

Q3. Hierarchical clustering that starts from the whole dataset and progressively creates clusters of smaller and smaller size is called:

  • Divisive
  • Agglomerative

Question 1)


Which of the following statements correctly apply to KMeans clustering? Choose all that apply.
  • A sample is assigned to a cluster based on the centroid to which it is closest.
  • The centroid of a cluster is calculated as the average of the samples in that cluster.
  • KMeans automatically determines the optimal number of clusters in a dataset.
Question 2)
Which of the following statements correctly apply to density-based clustering? Choose all that apply.  
  • A sample is assigned to a cluster based on the centroid to which it is closest.
  • Clusters are formed based on the density of objects in a region.
  • The centroid of a cluster is calculated as the average of the samples in that cluster.
Question 3)
Hierarchical clustering that starts from the whole dataset and progressively creates clusters of smaller and smaller size is called:
  • Agglomerative
  • Divisive
Question 4)
Which of the following statements correctly apply to KMeans clustering? Choose all that apply.
  • Initialization of the first centroid is arbitrary.
  • KMeans is an efficient algorithm, but sensitive to outliers.
  • The centroid of a cluster is calculated as the average of the samples in that cluster.
Question 5)
Which of the following statements correctly apply to density-based clustering? Choose all that apply.  
  • Clusters are formed based on the density of objects in a region.
  • A sample is assigned to a cluster based on the centroid to which it is closest.
  • Clusters can have any shape.
Question 6)
Which of the follow statements correctly apply to hierarchical clustering? Choose all that apply.
    • Divisive clustering starts with smaller clusters and progressively combines them into one tree.
    • Hierarchical clustering produces dendrograms which are often used to represent evolutionary relationships.
    • Agglomerative clustering that starts from the whole dataset and progressively creates clusters of smaller and smaller size.


Q1. A cis-regulatory circuit involves:

  • Upstream regulation factors not located close to the gene being regulated.
  • Only transcription factors located close to the gene being regulated.

Q2. Which of the following are databases through which known pathways can be found? Choose all that apply.


Big Data, Genes, and Medicine

The State University of New York
Go to this Course: Big Data, Genes, and Medicine
In this article i am gone to share a Coursera Course: Big Data, Genes, and Medicine Week 2 Practice Quiz Answer | Normalization and Discretization Quiz Answer

Normalization and Discretization Quiz Answer

Question 1)
When normalizing the dataset [40, 49, 58] through Z-score normalization, what will be the normalized value associated with 49?
  • 1
  • 0.49
  • 0
Question 2
Consider the set of data [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90] discretized by equal-depth binning. Which of the following is a valid set of equal-depth intervals for these data?
  • [10, 30], [40, 60], [70, 90]
  • [10, 20], [30, 40], [50, 60], [70, 90]


Question 2)
Consider the data [2, 4, 8, 16] discretized by equal-depth binning. Which of the following is a valid set of equal-depth bin intervals for these data?
  • [2, 7], [8, 16]
  • [1, 5], [6, 10], [11, 15], [16, 20]
  • [2, 3], [4, 16]
  • [2, 8], [9, 16]
Question 3)
When normalizing the dataset [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] through Z-score normalization, which of the following elements would be normalized to 0?
    • 20
    • 30
    • 10
    • 50
    • 40

Methylation Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Which of the following best describes a DNA methylation signature?
  • The genes and locations on the genes where methyl groups attach in a particular disease by comparison between different groups.
  • The manner in which methyl groups attach to a nucleotide. 


Question 2)
Which of the following is true of DNA methylation?
    • Different disease states may have distinct DNA methylation patterns.
    • DNA methylation disrupts how a gene is translated by the ribosome.
    • DNA methylation is a type of gene mutation.
Big Data, Genes, and Medicine
The State University of New York


Go to this Course: Big Data, Genes, and Medicine
In this article i am gone to share a Coursera Course: Big Data, Genes, and Medicine Week 3 Practice Quiz Answer | Heatmaps Quiz Answer

Heatmaps Quiz Answer

Question 1)


Which of the following best describes the design of a heatmap?
  • Visualizes the levels of gene expressions in squares of different colors for samples or groups.
  • Shows bars representing the frequency of items in each category.
  • Shows points representing each a row in a dataset.
Question 2)
Which of the following illustrates an example of a heatmap?


Which of the following illustrates an example of a heatmap?


Question 3)
Which of the following illustrates an example of a heatmap?
Which of the following illustrates an example of a heatmap?




Question 4)
Which of the following best describes the axes of a heatmap?
    • One axis shows genes while the other axis shows subjects. 
    • One axis may show genes while the other axis may show gene expression.
    • One axis may show subjects while the other axis may show gene expression.
Feature Selection Methods Quiz Answer
Question 1)


With a dataset having 4 features, how many different subsets of features are there?
  • 2
  • 16
  • 4
  • 8
Question 2)
Which of the following are examples of feature selection methods? Choose all that apply.
  • Binning.
  • Student’s t-test.
  • Log transformation.
  • Correlation coefficient.


Question 3)
With a dataset having 1000 features, how many different subsets of features are there? 
  • About 10^301 (^ represents the exponent symbol).
  • About one hundred.
  • About one billion.
  • About one thousand.
Question 4)
Which of the following are examples of feature selection methods? Choose all that apply.
  • Binning.
  • Filter methods.
  • Between sum of square / Within sum of square.
  • Wrapper methods.


Question 5)
Which of the following are examples of feature selection methods? Choose all that apply.
    • Filter methods.
    • Wrapper methods.
    • Student’s t-test.
    • Log transformation.
Evaluation Schemes Quiz Answer
Question 1)


Which are some of the major evaluation schemes for feature selection? Choose all that apply.
  • Speed of execution.
  • Robustness testing.
  • Prediction performance.
  • Ranking added value.
  • Resource utilization.


Question 1)
Which are some of the major evaluation schemes for feature selection? Choose all that apply.
  • Ranking added value.
  • Robustness testing.
  • Resource utilization.
  • Speed of execution.
  • Number of features returned.



I suggest you enroll in Big Data, Genes, and Medicine courses and gain some new skills from Experts.


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