Applications in the Cloud Coursera Quiz Answers -Week 6

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Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure – Quiz Answers

App Engine

Q1. True or false: App Engine is a better choice for a web application than for long-running batch processing.

  • True
  • False

Q2. True or false: App Engine just runs applications; it doesn’t offer any services to the applications it runs.

  • True
  • False

App Engine Flexible and Standard Environments

Q1. Which of these criteria would make you choose App Engine Flexible Environment, rather than Standard Environment, for your application? Choose all that are correct (2 correct responses)

  • A wider range of choices for application language
  • Finer-grained scaling
  • Ability to ssh in
  • Daily free usage quota

Q2. True or false: App Engine Flexible Environment applications let their owners control the geographic region where they run.

  • True
  • False

Applications in the Cloud

Q1. Which statements are true about App Engine? Choose all that are true (2 correct answers).

  • App Engine charges you based on the resources you pre-allocate rather than based on the resources you use.
  • App Engine manages the hardware and networking infrastructure required to run your code.
  • App Engine requires you to supply or code your own application load balancing and logging services.
  • It is possible for an App Engine application’s daily billing to drop to zero.
  • Developers who write for App Engine do not need to code their applications in any particular way to use the service.

Q2. Name 3 advantages of using the App Engine Flexible Environment over the App Engine Standard. Choose all that are true (3 correct answers).

  • Google provides automatic in-place security patches
  • You can SSH into your application
  • Your application can write to a local disk
  • Your application can execute code in background threads
  • You can install third-party binaries

Q3. Name 3 advantages of using the App Engine Standard Environment over App Engine Flexible. Choose all that are true (3 correct answers).

  • Billing can drop to zero if your application is idle
  • Scaling is finer-grained
  • You can choose any programming language
  • Google provides and maintains runtime binaries
  • You can install third-party binaries

Q4. You want to do business analytics and billing on a customer-facing API. Which GCP service should you choose?

  • Apigee Edge
  • Cloud Endpoints

Q5. You want to support developers who are building services in GCP through API logging and monitoring. Which GCP service should you choose?

  • Cloud Endpoints

Q6) You want to gradually decompose a pre-existing monolithic application, not implemented in GCP, into microservices. Which GCP service should you choose?

  • Apigee Edge
  • Cloud Endpoints


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