LinkedIn Scala Skill Assessment Answers 2023

The answers to the LinkedIn Scala Skill Assessment will be shared today. Therefore, if you utilise LinkedIn, you must take the Skill Assessment Test. The LinkedIn Assessment Skill Test is completely free, and upon passing it, you’ll receive a validated LinkedIn Skill Badge that will be shown on your profile and assist recruiters in hiring you.

Below are the Scala quiz answers, which are shown here in bold. These responses have just been revised and are entirely accurate for the LinkedIn Scala Skill Assessment.

LinkedIn Scala Skill Assessment Answers

Q1. Scala bytecode can run on top of Java VM. What is the fundamental difference between Java object.clone() and Scala object.copy()?

  •  One is a Java object, the other is a Scala object.
  •  clone() will copy class structures but not the data, while copy() will also copy data into new objects.
  •  There is no difference.
  •  copy() allows you to change values during the copying process; clone() does not.

Q2. What value does this code return?
val m1 = Map(“a”->1,”b”->2,”c”->3)m1(“a”)

  •  a
  •  2
  •  b
  •  1

Q3. What is one way to avoid low-level parallelization details?

  •  monads
  •  literal functions
  •  partially applied functions
  •  parallel collections

Q4. What do you use in ScalaTest to see a detailed diagram of error messages when a test fails?

  •  ArgumentExceptions
  •  AssertionException
  •  DiagrammedAssertions
  •  JUnit

Q5. What data type would you use to store an immutable collection of objects that contain a fixed number of varying types?

  •  Array
  •  ImmutableCollection
  •  List
  •  Tuple

Q6. After defining a function in the interpreter, Scala returns the following. What does the
myfnc: ()Unit

  •  The function has no side effects.
  •  The function takes no parameters.
  •  The function returns no value.
  •  Returning unit types to the function is a closure.

Q7. What type of number is 1234.e5?

  •  hexadecimal
  •  short
  •  floating point
  •  long

Q8. When you convert a map to a list using the toList method of the map, the result will be of which type?

  •  List[(String, String)]
  •  List[(Array, Array)]
  •  List[(Array, Array)]
  •  List

Q9. What type of object does this code create?
val x = (1234, “Active”)

  •  List
  •  Map
  •  Tuple
  •  Array

Q10. Which is a subclass of all classes?

  •  AnyVal
  •  AnyRef
  •  Method
  •  Null NOT SURE

Q11. For the for-yield construct, is the scope separate between for-body and yield-body?

  •  Yes and no. It is different depending on the for construct and what it does. NOT SURE
  •  Yes, because the for section does not expose its scope.
  •  No, because for-yield shares the same scope, even though they are within separate curly braces.
  •  Yes, because they are within different curly braces.

Q12. What is one way to implement pattern matching on methods?

  •  using regex
  •  using monads
  •  using string matching
  •  using case classes

Q13. What is the value of z after executing this code?
val y = List(‘a’,’b’)val z = y::List(‘c’)

  •  List(a,b,c)
  •  List(List(a, b), c)
  •  List(c,a,b)
  •  List(c,List(a,b))

Q14. What term is used to specify a precondition?

  •  assert
  •  require
  •  precondition
  •  mustHave

Q15. Which Scala type may throw an exception or a successfully computed value, and is commonly used to trap and propagate errors?
answers missing
The answer should be Option: Some or None

Q16. What is the data type of y after this code is executed?
val y = (math floor 3.1415 * 2)

  •  short
  •  double
  •  int
  •  bigInt

Q17. When using pattern matching, which character matches on any object?

  •  %
  •  \_
  •  ^
  •  –

Q18. You have created an array using val. Can you change the value of any element of the array—and why or why not?

  •  Yes, the reference to the array is immutable, so the location that the array points to is immutable. The values in the array are mutable.
  •  The 0th element is immutable and cannot be modified. All other elements can be modified.
  •  Yes, val does not make arrays immutable.
  •  No, val makes the array and values of the array immutable.

Q19. What is the output of this function?
def main () {     var a = 0     for (a<-1 until 5){println(a)}

  •  1,2,3,4,5
  •  0,1,2,3,4
  •  1,2,3,4
  •  2,3,4,5

Q20. What do you call objects with immutable state?

  •  singletons
  •  stationary objects
  •  functional objects
  •  fixed objects

Q21. You have written a Scala script. How would you access command-line arguments in the script?

  •  use array named args
  •  use tuple named args
  •  use numbered variables with a _ prefix for example _ 1, _ 2, _ 3
  •  use numbered variables with a $ prefix – for example $1, $2, $3

Q22. What does this code return? val x = 3; if (x >2) x = 4 else x = x*2

  •  4
  •  an error
  •  6
  •  3

Q23. Which statement returns a success or a failure indicator when you execute this code?
val MyFuture = Future {runBackgroundFunction() }

  •  myFuture.onComplete
  •  myFuture(status)
  •  myFuture.Finished
  •  complete(myFuture)

Q24. To denote a parameter that may be repeated, what should you place after type?

  •  %
  •  &
  •  \_
  •  –

Q25. What is called when a superclass has more than one subclass in Scala?

  •  polyinheritance
  •  multilevel inheritance
  •  multimode inheritance
  •  hierarchical inheritance


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