Blockchain Basics Coursera Quiz Answers

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Blockchain Basics Coursera Quiz Answers

Week 01: Blockchain Defined

Quiz 01 Answers

Q1. Did Bitcoin enable a centralized or a decentralized system for the exchange of value?

  • Centralized
  • Decentralized

Q2. Validation, Verification, Immutable Recording, and _ lead to Trust and Security.

  • Coins
  • Algorithms
  • Tokens
  • Consensus

Q3. Who introduced the digital online cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin?

  • Satoshi Nakamoto
  • Wei Dai
  • Nick Szabo
  • Hal Finney

Q4. A blockchain enables peer-to-peer transfer of digital currency without any intermediaries such as banks. True or False?

  • True
  • False;

Quiz 02 Answers

Q1. A block in a Blockchain has a header and ___.

  • Digital Ledger
  • Transactions
  • Inputs
  • Bitcoins

Q2. What does UTXO stand for?

  • Unique Transaction Offer
  • Unspent Trade Offer
  • Unspent Transaction Xeroxed Output
  • Unspent Transaction Output

Q3. A transaction generates new UTXOs for transferring the amount specified in the input UTXOs. True or False?

  • False
  • True

Q4. Miners are computers that execute __.

  • operations defined by users
  • operations defined by the blockchain protocol
  • operations defined by transactions;

Quiz 03 Answers

Q1. The algorithm for consensus in the Bitcoin blockchain is called ____protocol.

  • Proof of Elapsed Time
  • Proof of Work
  • Proof of Worth
  • Proof of Stake

Q2. Transaction confirmation is independently performed by all miner nodes. True or False?

  • False
  • True

Q3. Transaction 0 in every block in the bitcoin blockchain .

  • is for paying the miner fees.
  • does not have any input UTXO.
  • is called the coinbase transaction
  • All of the above.

Q4. In a public blockchain, a participant can join and leave the blockchain as

and when they wish. True or False?

  • True
  • False;

Week 02: Ethereum Blockchain

Quiz 01 Answers

Q1. What allows for the execution of code in the Ethereum Blockchain, enhancing the basic value transfer capability of the Bitcoin Blockchain?

  • Ethereum Virtual Machine Proof-of-Work
  • Smart Contracts
  • Solidity
  • Byte-code

Q2. Solidity has data, functions or methods with modifiers, along with getter and setter functions. True or False?

  • True
  • False;

Quiz 02 Answers

Q1. How many types of accounts are on Ethereum?

  • 1
  • 3
  • 2
  • 4

Q2. The _ can send transactions for ether transfer or they can send transactions to invoke a smart contract code.

  • block headers
  • algorithms
  • accounts (address)
  • blocks

Q3. What is the smallest denomination of cryptocurrency on Ethereum?

  • Ether
  • Bitcoins
  • Wei
  • Gas Point;

Quiz 03 Answers

Q1. ___ hosts the software needed for transaction initiation, validation, mining, block creation, and smart contract execution.

  • EVM
  • Ethereum full node
  • External Account
  • Smart Contract

Q2. _ receive, verify, gather and execute transactions.

  • Smart Contracts
  • Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • Miner nodes
  • Light wallets

Q3. Any changes to the value of a state variable in a smart contract are stored on the blockchain. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Quiz 04 Answers

Q1. GASLIMIT is the actual amount of gas spent at the completion of the Block creation. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q2. What are miners who solved the puzzle but didn’t win the block creation called?

  • Sisters
  • Cousins
  • Brothers
  • Ommers

Q3. __ is paid fees for the creation of a block.

  • Receiver of transactions in the block
  • Miner of a block
  • All full nodes
  • Sender of transactions in the block;

Week 03: Algorithms & Techniques

Quiz 01 Answers

Q1. A popular public-private key implementation known as Rivest-Shamir Adelman (RSA) algorithm is used for the Bitcoin and Ethereum Blockchain. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q2. For the simple symmetric key example discussed in the lecture, it is easy to derive the “secret” key from the encrypted data. True or False?

  • False
  • True

Q3. 256 bit ECC key-pair is equivalent in strength to approximately 3072-bit RSA key-pair. Thus ECC is much stronger encryption than RSA method. True or False?

  • True
  • False;

Quiz 02 Answers

Q1. What is one of the requirements of secure hashing function?

  • It is an ECC function
  • It is a one way function
  • It is log function
  • It is a secret function

Q2. What type of hash is used when there is a fixed number of items to be hashed, such as the items in a block header, and we are verifying the composite block integrity?

  • Complex hash
  • Either
  • Tree-structured Hash
  • Simple Hash

Q3. What type of hash function is used, when there is variable number of items to be hashed, such as the many state changes in a block?

  • Simple Hash
  • Tree-structured Hash
  • Either
  • Complex hash

Q4. Keccak 256 is a commonly used algorithm for hash generation in the Ethereum blockchain. True or False?

  • False
  • True

Quiz 03 Answers

Q1. Digital signing of a transaction/document involves, hashing the content of the document and then __.

  • encrypting it with nonce
  • rehashing it
  • encrypting it with public key
  • encrypting it with private key

Q2. In Ethereum, the block hash is the hash of all the elements in the?

  • Transaction hash tree
  • Block header
  • State tree
  • Receipt tree

Q3. Merkle tree hash is used for computing hash.

  • state root
  • transaction root
  • receipt root
  • all of the above

Q4. Block hash allows for the formation of the chain link by embedding the previous block hash in the current block header. True or False?

  • False
  • True

Q5. If a participant node tampers with a block, it results in __.

  • hash changing
  • mismatch of hash values
  • the local chain of node rendered in an invalid state
  • All of the above

Week 04: Trust Essentials

Quiz 01 Answers

Q1. Trust in a decentralized blockchain is about __.

  • validating the transactions and blocks for tamper proofing.
  • All of the above
  • securing the chain using specific protocols.
  • executing and confirming the transactions.

Q2. Miners execute the transactions for Ether transfers but are not responsible for the execution of smart contracts. True or False?

  • False
  • True

Q3. Proof of work is the __ used by Bitcoin blockchain and Ethereum Byzantium Metropolis blockchain.

  • Transaction confirmation
  • Consensus Protocol
  • Incentive function
  • Trust function

Q4. An approach for consensus protocol that is hotly debated among developers of blockchain is

  • Proof of Stake
  • Proof of Incentive
  • Round Robin
  • Proof of Age

Quiz 02 Answers

Q1. What happens if more than one miner solves the consensus puzzle very close in time to each other in Ethereum?

  • The new block is added to the main chain and not the runner-up chain
  • Runner-up miners leave the network.
  • Small incentives are given to runner-up blocks
  • Small incentives are given to the runner up blocks and the new block is added to the main chain

Q2. Double spending is reusing digital assets intentionally or inadvertently. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q3. In Ethereum, a combination of account number and the global nonce is used to address issues regarding double-spending. True or False?

  • False
  • True

Quiz 03 Answers

Q1. Bootstrapping the new software to the already running processes is known as.

  • Scripting
  • Soft Forks
  • Hashing
  • Hard Forks

Q2. After a hard fork, the emerging two chains are incompatible. True or False?

  • False
  • True

Q3. Bitcoin blockchain implemented a soft fork to realize a __.

  • Split into Bitcoin core and Bitcoin cash
  • P2SH Peer-to-Shell feature
  • P2SH conditional payment script feature
  • P2SH payer gossip feature


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