Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101) Quiz Answers

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Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101) Quiz Answers

Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101) Module 1 Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following services does Cloud offer? Select all that apply.

  • Processing
  • Desktops
  • Disk and storage space
  • Databases services
  • Networking
  • fixed costs

Q2. True or False: Cloud makes services available by way of the Internet.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Which TWO of the following are true of Cloud services?

  • Services can be added or reduced as needed.
  • Computing services are charged either by the hour or subscription-based.
  • Cloud computing is NOT a variable cost.
  • Cloud does not offer cost management.

Q4. Does Cloud replace your native hardware and software?

  • No
  • Yes;

Q5.Cloud services are delivered _.

  • Virtually
  • Locally
  • Nativelly

Q6.Any services accessed over the network are.

  • Remote Services
  • Local Resources
  • Native Software
  • Physical Hardware

Q7. Which feature of Cloud services makes it possible to manage computing infrastructure better and more efficiently?

  • Scalability
  • Cloud economics
  • None of the above
  • Computing services

Q8. What is the name of the product that manages Cloud services on hardware?

  • Hypervisor
  • Switch
  • Managed Infrastructure
  • Remote Desktop Connection

Q9. Which is not a category of Cloud Computing

  • Files as a Service (FaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)

Q10. True or False: Firms can use a console to administer Cloud services.

  • True
  • False;

Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101) Module 2 Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following is NOT a feature of IaaS?

  • Applications are hosted by a third party to offer to customers.
  • Offerings include virtual servers, desktops, security, and networking.
  • Makes it possible for smaller firms to have the same infrastructure as large firms.
  • Involves services that require large investments to deploy, maintain, and upgrade.

Q2. The IaaS approach uses _ to maintain consistency, making it possible to manage hardware like you would manage software.

  • Virtualization
  • outsourcing
  • development and testing

Q3. True or False: IaaS provides virtual servers for application hosting.

  • True
  • False;

Q4. Which of the following feature is an example of Platform as a Service (PaaS)?

  • Development environments
  • Microservices
  • Hosted applications
  • Dynamic, on-demand computing

Q5. Which of the following offers pay-as-you-go or rental options for enterprise software, as well as enables geographic around-the-clock development using the same investment?

  • PaaS
  • SaaS
  • IaaS
  • FaaS

Q6. When using SaaS, do users need to install the offered software before using it?

  • No
  • Yes;

Q7. Which of the following is NOT an example of SaaS?

  • Personalized marketing
  • Payroll
  • Accounting
  • Meeting tools
  • Time tracking

Q8. Function as a Service (FaaS) provides an application development environment in the form of __.

  • microservices
  • data storage
  • runtime services

Q9. True or False: With FaaS, the environment continues to run during idle time, incurring costs.

  • False
  • True

Q10. Which of the following are disadvantages to Cloud computing?

  • Security can be an issue if the Cloud provider doesn’t take the steps to guard data.
  • The ability to move data from the Cloud provider is limited.
  • Data is under the control of the Cloud provider.
  • None of the managed services provide accessible data storage options.

Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101) Module 3 Quiz Answers

Q1. How are Cloud services delivered on a Private Cloud?

  • On the firm’s network
  • Public Internet
  • Via 3rd party services

Q2. Which of the following offers services as a 3rd party provider, delivers services over public internet, are generally available to everyone, and are invoiced based only on what is used?

  • Public Cloud
  • HPC Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud

Q3. Hybrid Cloud allows firms to respond to many of the disadvantages of public Cloud.

  • True
  • False;

Q4. Which of the following is a strategy of High-Performance Computing (HPC)?

  • Parallel processing
  • Services are public and available to all
  • A mix of private and 3rd party services

Q5. A group of computers acting as one is a __.

  • cluster
  • hypervisor
  • infrastructure

Q6. A __ is where a public cloud provider dedicates a set of computing resources for a specific customer.

  • A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • A Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • An High-Performance Computing (HPC) architecture

Q7. Big Data involves highly complex data sets.

  • Yes;
  • No

Q8. True or False: A VPN allows firms to extend their network to outside data centers using internet connections.

  • True
  • False

Q9. With which of the following do firms have full control of their data?

  • Private Cloud
  • HPC Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Big Data Cloud

Q10. Which THREE of these are key components of HPC?

  • Networking
  • Clusters
  • Computing
  • Data storage;
  • Architecture

Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101) Module 4 Quiz Answers

Q1. A hosting strategy where software products are installed on the physical hardware.

  • Bare-metal
  • Docker
  • On-premises
  • Virtualization

Q2. Which of the following are true of Bare-metal computing? Select all that apply.

  • Allows the hardware to be used more efficiently and by more users.
  • Is based on a structure called a pod.
  • Admins can make virtual templates of VM images.
  • There are multiple fixed costs with this approach.
  • No virtualization is used.

Q3. True or False? Running Virtual Machines (VMs) makes better use of the existing hardware.;

  • True
  • False

Q4.With a VM, multiple copies of the VM images can be made, each with their own ___ and host ID.

  • IP address
  • Docker
  • virtual template
  • virtual network adapter

Q5. A PaaS product that provides virtualized operating system environments called containers that are 100% independent from each other.

  • Docker
  • VMs
  • Kubernetes

Q6. A product that automates application deployment, scaling, and maintenance. It is a PaaS container orchestration product that can also be offered as an IaaS.

  • VMs
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes

Q7. Which of the following are features of On-premises Computing? Select all that apply.

  • All hardware is controlled by the firm.
  • Can be either private, public, or hybrid.
  • Computing services are delivered on the firm’s network.
  • Is popular in gaming and IoT because responsiveness is critical.

Q8. True or False? With Cloud computing, the delivery of the software services can be by a public, private, or virtual private network.

  • True
  • False

Q9. Computing services are brought physically closer to the customer. It has evolved into running software and applications while keeping latency low.

  • Edge Computing
  • Kubernetes
  • Cloud Computing

Q10. The cloud uses one or more __ to execute the software product.

  • virtual machines
  • hypervisors
  • private networks;

Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101) Module 5 Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following platform is a Microsoft product that offers Linux and Windows OS computing as well as packages for different sized firms?

  • Azure
  • IBM Cloud
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Google Cloud Platform

Q2. Which of the following is a popular feature of Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

  • Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2)
  • SalesForce
  • Linux Computing

Q3. True or False: AWS’s Amazon Machine Image (AMI) enables teams to template running servers and to copy and run templated images.

  • True
  • False

Q4.AWS offers varieties of____________. Select all that apply.

  • PaaS
  • FaaS
  • SaaS
  • IaaS

Q5. Which of the following provides Cloud services such as IaaS, PaaS, and Faas, and lists over 100 products in their brand?

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • IBM Cloud
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Q6. Offers include IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, Private Cloud, Virtual Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, as well as the typical virtualization services and solutions for DevOps.

  • IBM Cloud
  • AWS
  • SalesForce

Q7._ are a major offering of the IBM Cloud.

  • Data analytics
  • Mobile desktops
  • Artificial intelligence

Q8. True or False: IBM Cloud offers a single console because its Cloud offerings are not numerous.

  • False
  • True

Q9. What is SalesForce’s primary product type?

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) SaaS products
  • Numerous consoles
  • Open-source software

Q10.SalesForce’s cloud service offers development environments and tools designed to integrate with other SalesForce offerings.

  • Lightning
  • Community Cloud;

Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101) Module 6 Quiz Answers

Q1.Serverless Computing is an extension of.

  • FaaS
  • PaaS
  • Iaas

Q2. True or False: Pricing for Serverless Computing is based on the services, and not the runtime computing time used.

  • False
  • True

Q3. Which of the following are trade-offs of Serverless Computing?

  • Mobility can be a problem since it is often based on proprietary provider standards.
  • Products are generally based on popular databases such as MySQL.
  • Serverless databases and Serverless storage have recently become available.
  • Performance can be slow and resources are limited.

Q4. Which of the following has created an operating environment that is the equivalent to an operating network and is based on a network of computers?

  • Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
  • DApps
  • Blockchain

Q5. _____ data converts it to a string of fixed length and stores it on the node. It can reflect whether data has been tampered with or hacked.

  • Hashing
  • Tagging
  • Transforming

Q6. Which of the following is true of distributed applications? Select all that apply.

  • DApps can run as a web or mobile app and are the basis of the new Internet of value.
  • DLT nodes can also run applications, called DApps.
  • Nodes can be deployed as needed.
  • Is very back-end heavy and is ideal for Cloud computing.

Q7. A computing strategy process that processes data for computer programs to make decisions.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Cloud Computing
  • Blockchain technology

Q8. True or False: AI learning requires vast amounts of data storage.

  • True
  • False

Q9. The _ forms the foundation of smart devices and automated devices.

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Azure Cloud
  • Azure Digital Twins

Q10. Which of the following provides real-time metrics on IoT solutions and looks for vulnerabilities?

  • Azure IoT Insights
  • IoT Edge
  • Azure Digital Twins



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