Cognitive Class – Build Swift Mobile Apps-Watson AI Answers

The IBM Build Swift Mobile Apps with Watson AI Services Cognitive Class Course Exam Answer will be shared with you today. You can access this certification course on the Cognitive Class platform for no cost at all. You may find the Build Swift Mobile Apps with Watson AI Services Exam Answers below in bold type.

You must first enroll in the link provided below and learn how to build Swift mobile apps with IBM’s Watson AI Services before you can take the quiz or exam. Students who are interested must sign up for these classes and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, which will undoubtedly improve their technical abilities and teach them more information quickly.

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Build Swift Mobile Apps with Watson AI Services Cognitive Class Answers

Lab 1: Analyze sentiment

Question 1: You can use a Watson AI service to indicate whether a statement such as “This car is bad” is positive, negative, or neutral.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: The score that demonstrates that a sentence’s sentiment is recognized by the machine learning network with a confidence between 0 and +/- 1 means that there is a 0 – 100% confidence that the sentence is either negative or positive.

  • True
  • False

Question 3: In addition to sentiment, the Natural Language Understanding service analyzes emotions conveyed by specific target phrases or by the document as a whole. The emotion analysis for automatically detected entities and keywords can be enabled in this service.

  • True
  • False

Lab 2: Recognize images

Question 1: The Watson Visual Recognition service can identify which of the following types of content? Select all that apply.

  • Foods
  • Chemicals
  • Animals
  • Landscapes shown in running videos
  • Text on signs

Question 2: You can expand the existing generic image classification model with new classifiers.

  • True
  • False

Question 3: The Visual Recognition service can process which of the following types of media to classify images and return a confidence score for relevant classifiers representing things such as objects, events, and settings. Select all that apply.

  • Image URL
  • Image file
  • Film or movie URL
  • Film or movie file
  • Audio file

Question 1: The Watson Text to Speech service is authenticated with your Cloud (Bluemix) user ID and password.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: Which types of interfaces does the Text to Speech service offer? Select all that apply.

  • FTP
  • XML
  • WebSocket

Question 3: The Text to Speech service understands text and natural language to generate synthesized audio output with the appropriate cadence and intonation.

  • True
  • False

Build Swift Mobile Apps with Watson AI Services Final Exam Answers

Question 1: You can train the default Visual Recognition Service by creating a temporary trial classifier to recognize certain types of images.

  • True
  • False

Question 2: You can access IBM Watson AI services only through REST APIs.

  • True
  • False

Question 3: The Watson Visual Recognition service can consume images as URL links.

  • True
  • False

Question 4: Which SDK must you use to call IBM Watson services from iOS applications?

  • Java SDK
  • .NET Framework SDK
  • Watson Cloud Developer SDK
  • Analytics SDK

Question 5: English is the only language that is supported by the Watson Text to Speech service.

  • True
  • False


With any luck, this post will help you quickly and easily uncover all of the Build Swift Mobile Apps with Watson AI Services of Cognitive Class Module and Final Quiz Answers. If this post has been helpful to you in any way, please let your friends and family know on social media about this wonderful training.


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