Frequently asked Kanban Interview Questions and Answers

Many businesses use kanban to visualise their workflows and set up responsibility assignments. This is especially common in the manufacturing, film production, and software development industries. It will be helpful to be aware of some pertinent interview questions and how to respond to them if you are applying for a position where you anticipate using kanban. This article defines kanban and provides examples of five kanban interview questions and suggested responses.

Question – What are the benefits and drawbacks of using an online kanban board?

This is dependent on the workplace, which may make some benefits or drawbacks important. For instance, a physical board has more benefits if everyone works in the same office. Everyone may participate in and witness improvement in this situation. Additionally, it is simpler to receive comments when everyone is close to one another. The drawback of this is that you might have to get up every time you want to see the board because it might be harder to see if the room is big and it’s far away.

A physical board is practically useless if some team members are working remotely from various places because they cannot all see it. An online message board would be more advantageous in this case. They are often simple to put up, modify from a distance, and you may add comments without adding extra clutter. The drawback of this is that you can’t be certain that someone will see it because they might occasionally dismiss the browser tab or application and forget to update it, even if the online board offers more benefits in remote settings.

Question – Describe two kanban concepts with two instances each.

The idea of gradual change is a key kanban principle. This is due to the fact that kanban is not meant to completely rebuild your workflows and meet with opposition, but rather to gradually transform them through smaller, more gradual adaptations. To guarantee that everyone is operating in unison, this also includes input and cooperation from everyone engaged. Another rule is to promote leadership behaviours among all employees, not just top managers. People are encouraged to submit ideas as a result, which enhances the quality of the goods, services, and delivery.’

Question – How would you define Kanban?

The work that needs to be done on the product at each stage of the software development cycle is recorded on a Kanban, which is similar to a flash card. It merely divides your work into three categories.

Question – Define the terms TO DO ->WORK IN PROGRESS ->DONE.

Kanban is a workflow management technique that aids in task visualisation at different stages. On a kanban board, it divides jobs into various columns, each of which stands for a different stage of the work process. You may, for instance, include columns for “to do,” “doing,” and “done.” Everyone benefits from being able to plan their workflows and understand what others are doing, which can enhance productivity.’

Question – What are the benefits of utilising Kanban?

  • When priorities change, Kanban works best. 
  • It can deliver features faster due to their shorter cycle times.
  • Remove the activities that are of least concern or no concern to the team or organisation.
  • The advantage of using Kanban is that it helps an organisation lower the costs.
  • It creates a work site that can respond to changes quickly.
  • It facilitates the methods of achieving and assuring quality control.

Question – What are some of the main distinctions between Kanban and Scrum?

Workflow management techniques like scrum and kanban are also used. Scrum divides tasks into “sprints,” whereas kanban focuses on teamwork, harmony, and clarity of procedures. Both of these make an effort to reduce the quantity of work in progress in favour of utilising self-organized teams to complete tasks. The fact that jobs like the scrum master exist in scrum but not in kanban is one of the key distinctions. The fact that scrum completes work through sprints, which are similar to individual episodes, is a key distinction. Kanban, on the other hand, emphasises continuous operations and delivery.

Scrum is also far more strict because it forbids adjustments during a sprint. Because Kanban allows for almost always-permissible incremental modifications, it differs from other systems. The approach of Kanban is much more cyclical, with each workflow feeding into the next. Despite the fact that feedback is also significant in Scrum, it is more sequential and treats each sprint independently from the ones that came before and after it.

Question – – What guiding concept does Kanban operate under?

The three guiding principles of Kanban.

  • When a job is finished, it pulls the most important work from the backlog,
  • balancing the workflow for teams and preventing them from taking on too much work.
  • It also lets you visualise the task you’re working on and the items in context with one another.

Question – What kind of Kanban board is utilised for development and testing in the game industry?

Heijunka boards are frequently used by game developers. The advantage of the Heijunka board is that everyone on staff is free to work independently, unlike the conventional scrum design board. As a result, the team will work more efficiently and won’t have to wait for another unit to complete a task.

Question – What services does an online Kanban board offer?

It helps you visualise, optimise, and take control of your workflow. It helps you to limit work in progress to eliminate bottlenecks. It helps you to collaborate in real time with team members. It helps you to manage several projects on one board using the horizontal swimlanes.

Question – What details do Kanban analytics offer??

Kanban analytics gives insight into workflow and helps clear any bottlenecks.

Use breakdown charts to quickly assess the state of a project, and cumulative flow diagrams to quantify cycle time. Improve and monitor job efficiency.

Estimate time for task completion.

Question – What data does the time tracker provide in Kanban??

A detailed overview of the job completed at that precise moment is provided by a time tracker. It has numerous uses, including

• Manageable time entries

• Simple time tracking

• Time reports by project, user, or task

• Detailed reports regarding the job completed

Question – How effective is Kanban in project management, I wonder?

You may use Kanban to organise your work into projects, create project teams, invite team members, and share and collaborate on to-do items using online Kanban boards.

Question – Explain what “Power-Ups” in Kanban are. What kinds of “Power-Ups” are there?

Explain what “Power-Ups” in Kanban are. What kinds of “Power-Ups” are there?

Power-ups in Kanban let you modify your board to suit your needs. It enhances your Kanban board with a wide range of features, such as Card block, Card ageing, Developer tools, Team activity widget, Task navigator, Auto-assign, Add task box, Calendar widget, and Web attachment.

Question – Describe the Kanban card linking process.?

  • There are two ways to link cards together in a Kanban system.
  • You can join two cards together using tags: You must first create cards and link them together using the same tag, such as “guru99,” before utilising the search tool to look for all jobs that have been linked.
  • Using a unique URL: Each card in a Kanban has a different URL, which you may copy and paste into the external link fields of other cards.

Question – Where should you place Kanban items that fail the test, I hear you ask?

Differentiating between test cases that have failed and been returned and test cases that are fresh or suitable for testing is crucial for developers. You can divide the READY option in Kanban into two groups to distinguish this from the developer. A: Reopen B: Get set Re-open option status will contain failed test cases, whereas ready option status should contain fresh test cases that have not yet been tried.

Question – What is the most effective technique to monitor progress when using Kanban, please??

Cumulative Flow Diagram is the ideal tool for tracking progress when using Kanban. For Kanban teams, it takes the place of burndown/burnup charts.

Question – How do you release using Kanban, please??

Kanban teaches you more about controlling the flow of work than it does about releasing it. Nevertheless, there are a few actions that could be beneficial when releasing labour or products in a Kanban system. Those are Kanban releases should follow a timetable and occur every two weeks.

Inform the business unit about releasing the product or work in order to avoid having too many sticky notes in the “done” section and to ensure a smooth process. Release the item ahead of schedule if it is urgent and of high priority.

Question – Does it make sense to create Kanban labels from Trac tickets??

Yes, it is doable thanks to an open source programme called JimFlow that works with Trac Tickets. There are a few advantages, including

It supports flow boards with columns, supports printing tickets straight from the ticket system, supports taking photos at specified intervals, and updates tickets in the ticket system in response to movement.

Question – Why is Scrumban more favoured than Kanban, exactly??

The methodologies of scrum and kanban are combined to form scrumban. Boards and continuous work from kanban are included, along with regular meetings and task constraints from scrum. Depending on the project’s specific needs, it provides some advantages. For continuing maintenance work, for instance, it is superior to scrum because it does away with the sprint-based system. Additionally, since it restricts the number of things that may be displayed on a board at once, it is superior to kanban if you frequently experience bottlenecks.

The advantages of Scrumban include: 

  • No need for upfront planning;
  • Team concept is involved, unlike Kanban;
  • Sprint is involved, increasing team productivity; 
  • Sprint Backlog cannot be changed;
  • Product Owner can be involved;
  • Daily Scrum helps the team to self-organize and self-manage;
  • Sprint review involves business stakeholders, and they can provide feedback;
  • It includes retrospective.

Question – How do you operate a Kanban system?

With the help of the Kanban workflow management methodology, you can visualise various job tasks in order. This involves a kanban board, which contains numerous columns that stand in for various work-process stages. The far right column usually denotes work that has been finished. Work that is in its early stages is often represented by the column on the far left. Different stages of the procedure are represented by each of the columns in between these two. As a result, the most basic kanban board would have three columns: requested work, work in progress, and finished work.

The first is that you can keep many of your current processes and systems after using the kanban methodology; kanban will just help you organise, visualise, and enhance them. The pursuit of gradual change through collaboration and feedback is related to the following principle. The next step is to encourage leadership at all levels to draw on everyone’s perspectives. This also relates to the idea that you should manage the work itself, not the individuals doing it. Focusing on customer expectations and routine service reviews are also part of the Kanban methodology.

Question – What do the terms cycle time and throughput mean??

Cycle-time is used to estimate productivity.

  • Cycle Time: This is the amount of time required to finish the process.
  • Throughput is the total of a process’s output over a predetermined amount of time.

Question – What Does The Term “Kanban” Mean To You?

In Japanese, kanban signifies a visible record. Manufacturers use it as a scheduling tool to promote lean manufacturing techniques. It includes an update on each work that needs to be completed for the specific project. It resembles a combination of a “to-do,” “work in progress,” and “done” list.

Question – What Are The Different Kanban Types That You Know About??

“I am aware of production, withdrawal, emergency, express, through, and supplier kanbans. Additionally, I have a lot of experience managing production processes using production, through, supplier, and emergency kanbans..”

Question – What Role Does Kanban Play In The Manufacturing Process??

“Kanban will help a company in the quality control process by ensuring quality is maintained in every stage,” the questioner asks. Additionally, it will make sure that costs are reduced by using lean production techniques and avoiding storing too much inventory. The company will also be able to quickly adapt to any changes and recognise the team’s potential. It eliminates any sloppiness and sloth from the system and encourages doing things correctly the first time..”

Question – What Is Production Kanban, exactly??

“This includes everything needed to finish a process. It brings together all the materials, components, and data required to carry out the process. It keeps a process moving by using visual cues. It outlines what kind and how much of a product the previous procedure must create. This guarantees that the production process runs without a hitch and that the results are of the desired calibre..

Kanban is based on four key tenets. It starts with what is previously established and keeps the way the process is now operating. The methods are then modified gradually so as not to provoke resistance among the team members. After that, you make sensible adjustments to what is currently in place. Finally, it guarantees that there is leadership in every base to foster ongoing process improvement. Kanban understands that making significant changes all at once could not be successful due to possible increased opposition. Small, gradual adjustments are enduring and encounter minimal opposition.

Question – What Is Withdrawal Kanban, and How Does It Work??

“Withdrawal Kanban describes the quantity and type of merchandise that to be withdrawn from a previous operation. It transfers product permission from one procedure to another. It establishes a cycle and communicates how much, where, what, and when to move..”

Question – How Do You Use Kanban In Project Management, Please??

“Using the work that needs to be done, Kanbancan helps you organise project teams and build projects. You get to put together the project teams and utilise the platform to share and work together on the necessary tasks. Since it is organised, it eliminates uncertainty on what should be done next.

Question – What Significant Challenges Did You Face With Kanban Implementation? How Were They Handled By You??

“The major difficulty I encountered in my prior position was working with a disobedient team. The company was implementing Kanban. Prior to everyone else joining the team, we had to work with a team supporter. The project timelines would need to be adjusted because not everyone was on board, which was a problem. I was able to employ more creativity and make the best use of the tools at my disposal thanks to this procedure. I can now improvise how I carry out specific tasks when complete help is not available. These have improved my capacity for analytical thought and problem solving..”

Question – Describe A Situation In Which You Failed To Implement Kanban.?

“”In my first project, I was so fixated on perfection that I failed to pay attention to the team’s demands. The team at the company had some important information that I lacked, but because I was focused on solving problems my way, I neglected to listen to them. This helped me to see that getting something done is preferable to getting it perfect. I also learned to pay attention to the team I work with because they are more familiar with their procedures and can guarantee the project’s success.”

Question – What Three Characteristics Would Your Coworkers Use To Describe You??

“”My coworkers would describe me as a tenacious problem-solver who is committed to getting things done and a diligent worker. These qualities are the consequence of diligence and a dedication to ongoing personal growth. These qualities have been useful in the various projects I have worked on since they guarantee their success..”

Question – Do You Work Well in a Team??

“I have previously shown excellent teamwork as we worked to complete several tasks in accordance with the goals of the organisation. I prefer working on teams because it provides me the opportunity to learn so much from the many team members who bring their own unique set of talents and expertise to the table. Teamwork is essential for success in this industry. Project teams must work together for a project to be completed successfully.

Question – What Do You Believe Is The Secret To Building A Great Team??

“Trust, communication, and good leadership are essential for successful teamwork, as is an emphasis on shared objectives and shared accountability for both success and failure. However, the team will struggle to work together efficiently without trust and communication. I’m expected to collaborate with many teams in this position to ensure successful project execution. Excellent communication skills are necessary to ensure that everyone understands the procedure. Because projects are organised into teams and each member is required to play a role, the execution of Kanban largely relies on collaboration.”

Question – What Would Be Your Plan For The Upcoming 90 Days If You Were Selected For This Position??

“I intend to become familiar with the organization’s culture and procedures throughout the first 90 days. I’ll also pick up some of the local procedures. I will discuss my role with the various teams in order to fully understand their expectations. Regarding the deliverables for the project implementation, I will ask them for any clarification. I intend to release a project status report at the end of the 90-day period. I should be able to think up plans now to ensure that the teams execute to their full potential. I anticipate that the project will be fully realised at this point. Given that the organisation should have the required tools to continue with the implementation, the handover can be completed.

Question – What is Your Main Strength In Implementing Kanban??

My planning and communication skills are my strongest suit. As part of my job, I have to eliminate any unnecessary processes in order to improve the production cycle, thus I’m also a terrific problem-solver. I listen carefully when clients describe their issues before expressing my viewpoint. I always strive to provide a thorough diagnosis of the issues raised with careful attention to detail. As a result, I now have recurring clients and referrals. In order to evaluate how the organization’s procedures may be enhanced over time, I am working to completely understand them.

Question – Tell Me About Your Favorite Supervisor And How They Have Helped Your Career, Please..

“In my first position implementing Kanban, my immediate boss was my favourite supervisor. He welcomed me onto his team and gave me instruction in every ability I possess. He wasn’t just concerned with teaching me the technical skills; he was also interested in teaching me the soft skills. He showed me how to deal with customers who have various communication preferences. I credit his excellent mentoring for my wonderful skills. When he was promoted, he was able to shape me so that I could take on a supervisory position. This has motivated me to make an effort to develop my subordinates into exceptional project implementers.”

Question – What Does Quality Work Mean to You, and Why??

“My client’s contentment is my main criterion for quality. Each project is distinct, just as every business operates differently. I want to deliver exactly how the company has envisioned it would operate after listening to their demands. I assist them in organising the project teams and outlining the necessary steps. In addition, I provide them with the tools necessary to guarantee that they continue using the processes even after implementation is finished..”

Question – How Do You Prioritize And Plan Your Work As A Kanban Project Manager??

“”Whenever I’m given a project, I work hard to see that it’s completed and that the organisation is satisfied. I try to anticipate every step of the process and organise the project team. This guarantees that the procedures are well-aligned for the overall project’s success. When I am working on a project, I prefer to make a to-do list for each day. I evaluate my day’s accomplishments at the end of the day..”

Question – Do You Function Better Alone Or With Others In A Group??

“I have experience working in a group setting for a big company, and I liked that kind of setup. If someone needed to take time off, we could easily switch shifts or responsibilities. Additionally, I have a track record of functioning independently without supervision. I believe that because I am ready for it, I can live in any circumstance. But the majority of our initiatives require close cooperation and coordination. Regardless of the setting, I give it my all and produce excellent outcomes..”

Question -. How Did You Apply Your Problem-Solving Techniques To Handle Complicated Situations??

“When faced with a challenging problem, I like to think creatively and develop answers. Because the stakeholders couldn’t agree, I had problems with event dates in my prior position. I sat them down and listened as they shared their ideas for potential dates. I then offered a day that wouldn’t cause any inconveniences. They gave their OK, therefore we held the event on the scheduled date..”

Question – Have You Ever Had To Deal With A Difficult Stakeholder? What Action Did You Take In This Case??

“It’s wise to identify whether stakeholders are primary, secondary, or key stakeholders before dealing with them. Once you’ve put somebody in that group, you can deal with their opinions. In my prior position, I dealt with stakeholders that held a variety of opinions. I had to divide them into the three groups mentioned above. The management of them then became simple. I had to aggressively engage and exert influence over the major players while also keeping some people happy, others informed, and some under careful observation. I was able to satisfy all of my stakeholders because to this method..”

Question – Why Do You Think You Are Prepared For This Position??

“I have been employed in this industry for many years, and this is my passion. After reading the project description, I am confident that I am a good fit for the position since I have a unique set of talents and experience that set me apart. I’ll be able to use my technological knowledge for more significant tasks in this position. I’m enthusiastic to apply both my technical and artistic abilities to a project in order to make it more sustainable and further the organization’s initiatives.

Take Away:

Simply review the answers to the aforementioned questions the night before the interview, and we are confident that you will be able to impress the interviewer. Best wishes from


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