General Academic English Coursera Quiz

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Week 01: General Academic English Coursera Quiz Answers

Test 1-2

Why is Billy a bit disappointed about the film?

  • The movie is unbelievable, for the plot is not true to the novel.
  • The quality of the film is comparable with the novel itself.
  • The stories producers and directors tell are unbelievable.
  • While adapting the original novels into films, producer exaggerated too much.

Yuege believes that _______

  • films can never be really true to the novel, for the audience expect something emotional.
  • a film maker can adapt the classic story to match the imagination of his audience.
  • a classic story can be understood differently
  • TV series adapted from classic stories are usually worse than the original.

Popular novels can be adapted and made into ____; ____ and _____.

  • films; cartoons; games
  • films; television programs; video games
  • websites; televisions; audio programs
  • cartoons; dramas; games

Yunpeng believes that remaking popular novels into film will ____.

  • endanger the authors’ reputation as best-seller writers
  • give the writers inspiration to learn more about life
  • make books such as Harry Potter more close to life
  • open up great opportunities for the authors

Billy believes that the producers should pay more attention to _____ and communicate more with _____ and _____.

  • main character in the novel; the actors; the fans
  • quality; the actor; the novel
  • quality; the author; the fans
  • quantity; the actors; the novel itself;

Test 1-3

From the dialogue, we know that many public movies in western cultures are adapted from novels including _______, _______ and _______.

  • classical novels; short plays; creative fictions
  • classical novels; biographies; creative fictions
  • classical novels; biographies; short plays
  • short plays; biographies; creative fictions

The differences between the original novel and their adapted film depend on _______, _______ and _______.

  • directors; producers; audience
  • directors; actors; audience
  • writers; actors; audience
  • writers; actors; producers

Literature shows the story with languages so that readers can have more _______.

  • consideration
  • depression
  • imagination
  • inspiration

From the conversation, a major issue in film-making is _______.

  • money
  • time
  • place
  • labor

According to their conversation, why are literatures actually richer and more complex in plot or story than films?

  • Because to show a whole story written in a full-length novel within two hours, a lot of details has to be dropped out of the film.
  • Because literatures are more difficult than films.
  • Because the writers are more talented than the producers.
  • Because the writers are more imaginative than the producers.;

Test 1-6

In Academic Writing part, Alex and Ruoqi focus on _______.

  • the structure of a presentation
  • the structure of a seminar
  • the structure of a lecture
  • the structure of a paper

According to Ruoqi, a paper should include _______.

  • an abstract, an introduction, data and a conclusion
  • an abstract, the body, a conclusion and references
  • an abstract, an introduction, the body and a conclusion
  • an abstract, literature review, the body and a conclusion

From Alex, we know that the most common organization of each research part is _______.

  • the research design, others’ research finding, your analysis.
  • the research design, your own research finding, your analysis.
  • the research design, your own research finding, your conclusion.
  • the research design, others’ research finding, your conclusion.

According to Alex, where should the topic sentence appear in the paragraph?

  • the last sentence;
  • any where
  • the middle of the paragraph
  • the beginning of the paragraph

From the conversation, we know that a cluster diagram always includes _______.

  • topic sentence, explanation, conclusion
  • topic sentence, data analysis, explanation
  • topic sentence, evidences, explanation for each
  • topic sentence, evidences, conclusion

Test 1-8

What’s the name of the book mentioned by Ms. Yang?

  • Sing You Home.
  • Nineteen Minutes.
  • House Rules.
  • My Sister’s Keeper.

According to Saba, Anna was born specifically _______.

  • for that Kate wants a sister to accompany her
  • to keep her parents happy.
  • to save her sister Kate’s life, who was diagnosed with leukemia
  • for that her parents wants another daughter

Does Ruohui think it is morally correct to do whatever it takes to save a child’s life?

  • Yes
  • No
  • It depends
  • Not mentioned

Which one does Alex prefer, the book or the film with the same title?;

  • The book
  • The film
  • both
  • Not mention

Why does Abbas like the film more? Abbas _______.

  • thinks that Anna is born to death
  • likes Kate more
  • likes Anna more
  • believes everyone is born to be equal

Which one would Alex choose if he has to choose between reading the book or watching the film first?

  • Not mentioned.
  • No preference.
  • Watching the film.
  • Reading the book.

According to Abbas, the real gift of the author is to _______.

  • provoke narration
  • provoke inspiration
  • provoke interruption
  • provoke reflection

Week 02: General Academic English Coursera Quiz Answers

Test 2-2

Yun Peng mentioned that she would like to read more books on _____

  • American history and culture
  • Western cultures
  • Chinese history and culture
  • World history and culture

The movie Billy recommends is _____.

  • A Beautiful Mind
  • Forrest Gump
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Mission Impossible
  • The Songs of Phoenix

The suona horn performance for _____, and _____ are considered a great tribute to respect and honor.

  • weddings; birthday celebration
  • birthday party; weddings
  • weddings; funerals
  • graduate celebration; Christmas

From Billy and Yue Peng’s conversation, we know that most young people in China ___.

  • have watched the film on suona horn
  • simply have never heard of the film on traditional classic music
  • are not familiar with pop music
  • may like pop music more than traditional classic music

Across the world, we are using new ____ to replace older ways.

  • technologies; conveniences; styles of life
  • technologies; cars; traditions
  • facilities; conveniences; and furniture
  • technologies; traditions; cultural events

Yun Peng implies that it is difficult to keep up with the latest trends, and still ______,

  • maintain a traditional lifestyle
  • adapt to the traditional style in dressing and fashion
  • keep an open mind
  • lose touch with the nature

Test 2-3

The topic they are talking about is _____ in China.

  • the impact of World Heritage Sites
  • the visit of beautiful traditional buildings
  • a nature reserve in Hubei province
  • visiting the Great Wall
  • the number of World Heritage Sites
  • visiting the Forbidden City

There are more than ____ square kilometers of forests and ____ kinds of high plants diversities in Shenongjia.

  • 2000; 3500
  • 1500; 2500
  • 2500; 3500
  • 3000; 3500

Abbas mentions that he has visited _____and _____.

  • Jiuzhaigou; the Giant Panda Sanctuaries
  • the Forbidden City; the Giant Panda Sanctuaries
  • Tian‘anmen square; the Giant Panda Sanctuaries
  • the Great Wall; the Giant Panda Sanctuaries

According to Xuanhui, the Forbidden City was originally served as ____.

  • the imperial palace for Ming and Tang Dynasty.
  • the imperial palace for Han and Ming Dynasty.;
  • the imperial palace for Qing and Tang Dynasty.
  • the imperial palace for Ming and Qing Dynasty.

Test 2-6

In Academic Writing part, Alex and Ruoqi focus on the _______ of papers.

  • unity and consistency
  • credibility and consistency
  • reality and consistency
  • unity and formality

According to Alex, the _______ between the different ideas and the whole structure of your paper is very important.

  • connection
  • confusion
  • contradiction
  • comparison

From the conversation, we know that the organization of all the paragraphs in the body part should be _______.

  • unified
  • diversified
  • classified
  • qualified

According to Alex, which statement in the following is NOT right?

  • You do not change the tense unless you really need to do so because your research requires.
  • The tense you use should be according to what you have written before and what you are going to write after.
  • The choice of tense in academic papers depends on what you are researching.
  • You shouldn’t keep the original tense that was used by the author when you cite.

From their dialogue, which statement in the following is NOT right?

  • The first person point of view emphasizes the author’s involvement with the events he’s presenting.
  • The second person point of view usually brings the readers into focus.
  • For academic papers, “I”, the first person pronoun, is frequently used.
  • The third person point of view creates a kind of distant but objective view on the events, which will be better in academic writing.

Test 2-8

What is the topic of the Student Research Project in this unit?

  • Air purifier in China.
  • Air pollution in China.
  • Air conditioner in China.
  • Air space in China.

According to Alex, these days he feels _______ and I always wear a _______ when I go outdoors.

  • eyes discomfort; coat
  • eyes discomfort; mask
  • throat discomfort; coat
  • throat discomfort; mask

Which statements in the following is NOT right?

  • Haze, or smog, is traditionally an atmospheric phenomenon where dust, smoke and other dry particles obscure the clarity of the sky.
  • Fog has no impact on man-made pollution.
  • Fog consists of visible cloud water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth’s surface.
  • Fog could influence the visibility and does harm to people’s health.

Which one in the following is NOT mentioned as one of the sources of air pollution?

  • Fume emissions.
  • Coal heating in winter.
  • Agriculture.
  • Automobile exhaust.

From Abbas, we know that to improve the air pollution in China, companies can make changes to their production methods and change the traditional view of _______ first, and _______ later.

  • development; protection
  • pollution; economy
  • pollution; treatment
  • development; treatment

According to Alex, as students, the best we can do is to _______.

  • call on more students to save energy in our daily life
  • ignore the air pollution reports and believe that the blue sky will come back
  • advocate people to pay more attention to air pollution
  • devote ourselves to further research in the environmental studies

Week 03: General Academic English Coursera Quiz Answers

Test 3-2

The final exam reminded Billy of something interesting about _______.

  • the math exam last year
  • the life in primary school
  • the coming holiday
  • the unknown letter “X”

According to Billy, many of us assumed that the unknown letter “X” shall be named after _______, or just _______ as the letter X.

  • some scholar with “X” in their name; omitted
  • some scholar without “X” in their name; abbreviated
  • some scholar with “X” in their name; abbreviated
  • some scholar without “X” in their name; omitted

Which statement in the following about “X” in the history of language is NOT right?

  • From the 11th to 12th centuries, people in the European countries found it difficult to translate the literatures.
  • They chose the alphabet “χ” of ancient Latin to replace the Arabic “al-shalan” with the pronunciation “kai”
  • In Arabic, “al-shalan”, the word for unknown things, is frequently used in literatures, whose pronunciation begins with “sh”.
  • When it was translated into the commonly used Latin, the Latin “X” was chosen as the replacement with the pronunciation “aikes”.

Billy mentions that most units in math and physics books are named after the ____.

  • inventor
  • some scholar with X in their name
  • famous research team
  • famous scholar
  • math or physics teachers

The famous Chinese writer which Billy has mentioned is ____.

  • Lu Xun (鲁迅)
  • Ba Jin (巴金)
  • Shen Congwen (沈从文)
  • Mao Dun (茅盾)

Test 3-3

As we all know, that the United Nations has six official languages: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, and _______.

  • Mandarin; English; Korean; Spanish; Arabic; German
  • Mandarin; English; Korean; Spanish; Arabic; Russian
  • Mandarin; English; French; Spanish; Arabic; German
  • Mandarin; English; French; Spanish; Arabic; Russian

Among the six official languages, _______ has most number of native speakers, while _______ is the most widely spoken language in the world.

  • English; Mandarin
  • Mandarin; English
  • English; English
  • Mandarin; Mandarin

How many different kinds of languages do we have in the world these days?

  • more than 50,000
  • around 100
  • more than 5,000
  • around 1,000

Which statement in the following about the evolution of languages is NOT right?

  • All languages have evolved from a single one and was used in their ancient times.
  • There were large number of languages earlier and then they got integrated into fewer ones that we know now.
  • All languages have evolved from more than a single one and was used in their ancient times.
  • There have been two assumptions as far as the evolution of languages is concerned.

From the dialogue, we know that China has _______ minority nationalities and each has _______ languages.

  • 55; one
  • 55; one or more
  • 54; more than one
  • 54; one or more;

Test 3-6

In Academic Writing part, Alex and Ruoqi focus on the _______ of papers.

  • introduction and conclusion
  • abstract and introduction
  • body and conclusion
  • abstract and conclusion

According to Alex, which one in the following is NOT right?

  • The body of the research is where you show your research in detail.
  • The conclusion is the part where you conclude your paper and also you can give out the results and findings of the paper.
  • The introduction is where you lead the reader to the main topic, introducing and reviewing some previous research.
  • The abstract is a detailed summary of the paper.

From the dialogue, which one in the following is NOT included in an introduction?

  • justification of the choice of the topic’s focus
  • introduction of the topic
  • background information about the topic
  • acknowledgements

According to Alex, what are the optional elements in conclusion part?;

  • future research required and limitations of the work
  • comments and prediction of future development of the topic
  • logical conclusion and brief summary of the main ideas
  • detailed data and new analysis.

Which statement in the following is right?

  • No specific data should be mentioned in the conclusion part.
  • Telling other people about the limitations of your research is not wise.
  • Just a brief summary of the data should be mentioned in the conclusion part.
  • All the details of the data should be mentioned in the conclusion part.

Test 3-8

What is the topic of the Student Research Project in this unit?

  • animal testing
  • animal protection
  • animal farm
  • animal feeding

From documents and reports, we know that animals are used for _______, _______, and _______ research.

  • medical; commercial; physical
  • biological; commercial; health care
  • biomedical; commercial; health care
  • medical; chemical; health care

Among Alex, Kalista, Billy and Abbas, _______ are for animal testing, while _______ are strongly against it.

  • Alex and Abbas; Kalista and Billy;
  • Kalista and Alex; Abbas and Billy;
  • Alex and Billy; Kalista and Abbas;
  • Kalista and Billy; Alex and Abbas;

From Billy, we know that monkeys share _______ of DNA with human beings, and something like mice they have _______ of genetically similar materials to humanity.

  • 99%; 98%
  • 98%; 98%
  • 99%; 99%
  • 98%; 99%;

Week 04: General Academic English Coursera Quiz Answers

Test 4-2

Daoxin has got something fun, that is, _______.

  • a plane model
  • an electric automobile
  • a robot model
  • an electric toothbrush

The robot is the production of _______.

  • 2D drawing
  • 3D drawing
  • 3D printing
  • 4D printing

3D printing refers to the processes that make an object with a special machine that adds layer after layer of moldable _______ to form an object that is designed with _______.

  • plastic; computer hardware
  • metal; computer software
  • metal; computer hardware
  • plastic; computer software

From Chenxing, we know that, when the technology of 3D printing is fully developed, we can use it to print _______.

  • robot models
  • digital models
  • articles of daily use
  • various objects

Test 4-3

3D printing technology signals the beginning of the _______.

  • second industrial revolution
  • first industrial revolution
  • third industrial revolution
  • fourth industrial revolution

According to Bojun, 3D printing is also known as _______, which is based on the 3D _______ digital model and works through adding and processing materials layer by layer.

  • attractive manufacturing; Computer-Aided Design
  • additive manufacturing; Computer-Dominant Design
  • attractive manufacturing; Computer-Dominant Design
  • additive manufacturing; Computer-Aided Design

Which one in the following is NOT mentioned as an advantage of 3D printing?

  • Different kind of complex equipment can be manufactured without any splicing or processing.
  • The object can be shared online so that the remote production can be made possible.
  • It creates a digital model using a CAD software and a 3D scanner.
  • The whole process is quick, partially automatic.

Compared with the traditional manufacturing of printing, the best thing of 3D printing is that _______.

  • it can print out the personalized craft
  • it is more efficient
  • it is completely automatic
  • it is cheaper

Up to now, the three major markets, _______, _______, and _______, have a great demand on this kind of printing technology.

  • America; Asia; Europe
  • America; Antarctic; Africa
  • America; Antarctic; Europe
  • America; Asia; Africa

The manufacturers are mainly located in America, Germany, Japan, Israel and Sweden, among which _______ plays the leading role.

  • America
  • Israel
  • Germany
  • Japan

Test 4-6

In Academic Writing part, Alex and Ruoqi discussed about _______.

  • conclusion
  • introduction
  • abstract
  • body part

What is SPSE structure? It means ______.

  • situation, problem, schedule, evaluation
  • solution, problem, situation, evaluation
  • solution, problem, schedule, evaluation
  • situation, problem, solution, evaluation

According to the dialogue, which statement in the following is NOT right?

  • There is a variation of this SPSE structure.
  • Ruoqi prefers the variation.
  • The SPSE structure seems very clear and useful.
  • The SPSE structure is always the same.

What’s the next step when you have outlined the situation?

  • It is problem solving.
  • It is situation analysis.
  • It is problem formulation.
  • It is situation evaluation.;

Test 4-8

What did Billy buy yesterday?

  • An electronic dictionary.
  • An electric toothbrush.
  • An electric dictionary.
  • An electronic toothbrush.

According to Alex, what’s the difference between electric toothbrush and other appliances?

  • It can recharge without any contact on the base of toothbrush or the charger.
  • It cannot recharge with any contact on the base of toothbrush or the charger.
  • It cannot recharge with any metal contact on the base of toothbrush or the charger.
  • It can recharge without any metal contact on the base of toothbrush or the charger.

According to Billy, with the development of _______, wireless power transmission is revolutionizing the transmission of electricity from source to device, offering reliable and efficient wireless charging without any cords or cables.

  • electromagnetic technology
  • electric technology
  • electrical technology
  • electronic technology

The concept for wireless electrical transduction was proposed about _______ years ago by _______.

  • 1,000; Ampere
  • 1,000; Nikola Tesla
  • 100; Nikola Tesla
  • 100; Ampere

Which statement in the following about wireless chargers for electric automobiles is NOT right?

  • The reception coil produces an alternating magnetic field, preventing it from receiving the charge wirelessly.
  • There are mainly two types of wireless chargers for electric automobiles: electromagnetic radiation and magnetic resonant coupling.
  • When the car is parked in the parking spot, the reception coil beneath the car will match with this radiation one.
  • The chargers and radiation coils are buried in the power-supply system beneath the parking space

Week 05: General Academic English Coursera Quiz Answers

Test 5-2

In the conversation, Billy talked with Chen Xing and Dao Xin on the topic of _______.

  • the living problem of children in the future
  • the education problem of children in the future
  • the economic problem of children in the future
  • the psychological problem of children in the future

According to Chen Xing, the most important thing we can do is to help children _______ that can contribute to China’s future.

  • have more opportunities
  • develop their hobbies
  • have more experiences
  • develop their abilities

According to Billy, we know that parents should NOT _______.

  • pay more attention to children’s performance at home
  • pay more attention to children’s score at school only
  • care more about the index of performance only
  • care more about the index of performance

What does “other people’s children” mean in this conversation?

  • They are the representative of naughty children with low grades.
  • They are the representative of naughty children with high grades.
  • They are the representative of well-behaved children with high grades.
  • They are the representative of well-behaved children with low grades.

When it comes to the artist of ultrarealistic oil painting, Leng Jun, what is special about his works is that _______.

  • they are all more detailed and vivid even than photos
  • they are all more expensive
  • they are all more detailed and vivid but less than photos
  • they are all more delicate

Test 5-3

According to Xinyu, what’s the secret of the entrepreneurs’ success? It is ____.

  • intelligence
  • knowledge
  • enthusiasm
  • perseverance

From Bojun, we know that _______ and _______ can improve employees’ enthusiasm.

  • high salary; platform
  • high living-standard; platform
  • high living-standard; household
  • high salary; household

According to Abbas, which of the following is NOT right?

  • The key to success is high salary.
  • High salary cannot guarantee long term passion to work.
  • If the employee is working with such devotion, the company will progress rapidly.
  • If a person is provided with a good working environment, he might feel more devoted to his work even working at a low salary at the beginning.;

Test 5-6

What does Ruoqi think as the most important to include in a poster?

  • references
  • title and name of the authors
  • results and conclusion
  • discussion and implications

What does Alex think as the most important to present in a poster?

  • discussion and implications
  • results and conclusion
  • references
  • title and name of the authors

According to the conversation, which of the following about poster is NOT right?

  • It should be readable.
  • The content should be succinct.
  • It should be legible.
  • It should be numbered.

From Alex, we know that, as for the layout, what structure should we use?

  • The design provided by the sponsor.
  • The newest one.
  • The most creative one.
  • The most popular one.

According to Alex, the most important ability that we must have in making posters is _______.

  • translation
  • summarizing
  • reciting
  • paraphrasing;

Test 5-8

In the Student Research Project, they talked about _______.

  • dreams
  • education
  • society
  • economy

The film mentioned and recommended in the discussion is _______.

  • Daydream
  • Inception
  • Conception
  • Dream

In the film, what’s the most fascinating part for Abbas?

  • The character can travel through different people’s minds, explore their thoughts and even control their minds.
  • The character can exchange different people’s minds, explore their thoughts and even implant new thoughts in their minds.
  • The character can travel through different people’s minds, explore their thoughts and even implant new thoughts in their minds.
  • The character can exchange different people’s minds, explore their thoughts and even control their minds.

According to Freudian Theory, for example, people who have strong aggressive tendency but suppress it, they will most likely to have dreams about _______ and _______.

  • riot; hostility
  • violence; fights
  • riot; fights
  • violence; hostility;

According to Abbas, Freud distinguished between the _______ and _______ content.

  • manifest; latent
  • manifest; deep
  • surface; latent
  • surface; deep

According to the cognitive theory, dream can be best understood by relying on the same _______ that are used in studying the waking mind.

  • cognitive concepts
  • social concepts
  • affective concepts
  • metacognitive concepts

From Billy, we know that some people claim that certain colors can represent some specific meanings in their dreams such as _______ for purity, _______ for passion, _______ for evil.

  • white; black; red
  • white; red; black
  • black; white; red
  • red; white; black

Week 06: General Academic English Coursera Quiz Answers

Test 6-2

In the conversation, Chenxing mentioned that Billy’s pen pal from _______ visited Tsinghua University.

  • Canada
  • Taiwan
  • Macao
  • Hong Kong

According to the conversation, which of the following statements is NOT right?

  • Billy’s pen pal is not surprised at Billy’s using Alipay or WeChat to pay.
  • Billy’s pen pal thinks that the campus at Tsinghua is beautiful.
  • Billy’s pen pal likes Tsinghua very much.
  • Billy’s pen pal is very surprised at how big Tsinghua is.

From Chenxing, we know that, with the development of the technology and Internet, the _______ becomes popular.

  • competitive consumption
  • collaborative cooperation
  • competitive cooperation
  • collaborative consumption

According to the conversation, we know that Collaborative consumption (CC) is a set of resource circulation systems, which enable consumers to both _______ and _______, temporarily and permanently, valuable resources or services through direct interaction with other consumers or through a mediator.

  • store; sell
  • obtain; sell
  • store; offer
  • obtain; provide

Which of the following is NOT correct about the points-scoring system in the conversation?

  • The points-scoring system is perfect.
  • The higher the points, the more trustworthy a seller will appear to consumers.
  • It helps the consumers rate and comment based on their experiences.
  • The scores usually become the basis of potential consumer’s choice.

Test 6-3

From Bojun, we know that _______ has become popular in recent years.

  • e-mail
  • e-learning
  • e-business
  • e-commerce

Which of the following is NOT right about Abbas?

  • When he orders from the online stores, he gets big discount.
  • He gets big discounts when shopping online because the sellers don’t need to pay for the rentals.
  • He gets big discounts when shopping online because they deliver whatever he orders home.
  • Online shopping is not that convenient.

From Xinyu, we can easily compare the _______ and the _______ of one product among different stores to choose the best one.

  • price; quality
  • brand; location
  • brand; quality
  • price; location;

Which of the following is NOT a tip mentioned by Bojun for online shopping?

  • Don’t be cheated by the low price.
  • Do remember to check the comments of the buyer.
  • Don’t chat with the client service.
  • Do remember to check the credit worthiness.

According to Bojun, online shopping has some problems, such as_______ and _______.

  • uncertainty of the real price time; guarantee
  • uncertainty of the real price time; quality
  • uncertainty of the delivery time; quality
  • uncertainty of the delivery time; guarantee

From Abbas, we know that if you find a defect after receiving a product, the _______ is really complicated and sometimes time-consuming.

  • repayment
  • repair
  • exchange or refunding
  • restore;

Test 6-6

In this section, Ruoqi began the conversation by her question about the importance of _______ in paper writing.

  • tables
  • key words
  • abstract
  • references

From the conversation, which of the following is NOT right?

  • In the information prominent, we don’t explain, paraphrase, quote the information we are extracting from the author.
  • In the author prominent, we would highlight the name of the author followed by the year of publication of the work we are using in this case in brackets.
  • In-text citation is used to give credit to the original author or to indicate where the information comes from in your writing.
  • There are two types of in-text citation: the author prominent and the information prominent.

According to Alex, if what you cite is written in several different articles, which one should be used?

  • The one which is most accessible.
  • The one published in the journal of higher quality.
  • The one published in the journal of higher popularity.
  • The newest one.

From the conversation, which of the following is NOT a type of reporting verb?

  • neutral
  • aggressive
  • strong
  • tentative

Which of the following statements about a coherent text is NOT right?

  • There is a clear thesis, which is the main idea of the text.
  • There is a clear progression of ideas throughout the text.
  • There is no logic between different parts of the text.
  • Each part of the text has a topic sentence.

Test 6-8

In the Student Research Project, the topic of _______have been discussed.

  • budget deficit and housing price
  • financial deficit and housing price
  • real estate market and housing price
  • real estate market and inflation

Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Kalista as one of the problems in the real estate industry?

  • limited houses at present
  • high pricing
  • difficulties to purchase
  • regulation problem

From Billy, we know it is investigated that house prices are greatly influenced by _______.

  • public application
  • government intervention
  • government policy
  • public protesting

According to the conversation, which of the following is NOT a measure to control house prices?

  • Limiting the price of land auction.
  • Limit the number of houses that one can buy.
  • Increasing land supply.
  • Raising the down payment.

In the Central Economic Working Conference convened in 2016, Chinese President Xi has made it very clear that _______.

  • houses are for living, not for selling
  • houses are for selling, not for living
  • houses are for speculation, not for living
  • houses are for living, not for speculation

According to the conversation, which of the following predictions of the future trend in the real estate industry is NOT mentioned?

  • Billy believed that, with some improvement the real estate market will be balanced and have a sound and steady development in the future.
  • Alex said that the increasing of house prices will be controlled.
  • Abbas felt disappointed and indicated that the real estate market will be out of balance soon.
  • Kalista thought that there probably wouldn’t be ups and downs.;

Week 07: General Academic English Coursera Quiz Answers

Vocabulary and Structure 1

Accidents ____ from carelessness.

  • raise
  • rise
  • increase
  • arise

There are _____ work to be done before the building can be used for living.

  • essential
  • responsible
  • universal
  • valuable

Mother was full of ____ for the sick child.

  • management
  • concern
  • worship
  • regard

If you get lost just ask one of the ____ for directions.

  • colleagues
  • principles
  • individuals
  • locals

Computers can ____ many different tasks.

  • reform
  • perform
  • inform
  • form;

There is no best ____ to this problem.

  • section
  • solution
  • feature
  • penalty

It is an empty hut, but at least it offered us a _____.

  • house
  • roof
  • scene
  • shelter

More money will be put into scientific research _____ in this university.

  • phrases
  • outcomes
  • methods
  • projects

My _____ is that exports will double over the next five years.

  • notion
  • motive
  • expectation
  • curiosity

Police _____ drivers for travelling too fast in the fog.

  • judged
  • analyzed
  • criticized
  • evaluated;

Vocabulary and Structure 2

The young girl is not ______ with her present job, and she has decided to find a more challenging one.

  • excited
  • anxious
  • content
  • interested

In China males are given subtle, sometimes ______ preference in education, job selection and promotion.

  • intentional
  • distinct
  • evident
  • obvious

George was very ______;we would not have done a good job without him.

  • helpful
  • beneficial
  • friendly
  • significant

The fingerprints of no two persons are ______.

  • similar
  • equal
  • identical
  • equivalent

If only I’d taken _____ from my mother, I wouldn’t be in such a difficulty now.

  • counsel
  • heart
  • council
  • account;

This is a really tough _____, and I believe Ted is the only person who can handle it.

  • responsibility
  • selection
  • position
  • assignment

I try to _____ my friendship with Sarah, but it’s difficult to keep a relationship going when we are separated by such a long distance.

  • maintain
  • respond
  • deprive
  • revise

He was _____ admission of the restaurant for not wearing a tie.

  • acquired
  • appealed
  • denied
  • granted

That restaurant doesn’t accept reservations for small groups. The _____ number of people in your party must be five.

  • minimum
  • vague
  • complex
  • current

All the staff members are encouraged to _____ in the decision making process.

  • participate
  • compete
  • send


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