Google Ads for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers

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Google Ads for Beginners Practice Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following campaign goals would you select when you want a website visitor to leave their details (name, email id, company)?

  • Sales
  • Leads
  • Website traffic

Q2. Which network should you select when launching search ad campaigns?

  • Both
  • Search
  • Display

Q3. Can you change campaign settings after the campaign is launched?

  • No
  • Yes

Google Ads for Beginners Final Assignment Answers

Q1. Where do Google search ads show up?

  • Google Analytics homepage
  • Gmail inbox
  • Google search engine results page

Q2. Which of the following settings determine the ad placement?

  • Goal
  • Campaign type
  • Conversion tracking

Q3. Which ad extensions take people to specific pages on your website?

  • Call extensions
  • Sitelink extensions
  • App extensions

Q4. Which keyword match type has the highest reach, but the lowest relevance?

  • Exact match
  • Broad match
  • Phrase match

Q5. What is the maximum number of descriptions that you can include in text ads?

  • 3
  • 2
  • 5

Q6. Can you change campaign settings after the campaign is launched?

  • Yes
  • No

Q7. What is the maximum membership duration for remarketing audience lists?

  • 180 days
  • 360 days
  • 540 days

Q8. Which of the following are correct about Negative Keywords? (Select all that apply)

  • They help you focus on only the keywords that matter to your customers.
  • They enable better targeting.
  • You cannot use the search terms report to get negative keyword ideas.



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